Fellowship Support Program Registrar handbook

Registrar safety and support

RACGP faculties

      1. RACGP faculties

RACGP faculties

The RACGP faculties provide support and information to registrars and GPs. They also provide advice to the Board and represent the interests of members.

  • National faculties:
    • RACGP GPs in Training – aims to represent GPs in training through internal advocacy work and discussions that directly shape national health policies. Throughout the year, the GPiT faculty runs a variety of specialised activities and events to support professional development and networking.
    • RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health – aims to raise awareness and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and cultural needs, advocate for culturally appropriate health delivery systems and support GPs and GPs in training in their learning and professional development, including specific support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors.
    • RACGP Rural – supports and advocates for GPs and GPs in training working in our rural and remote communities.
    • RACGP Specific Interests – provides the opportunity to share information and knowledge about 33 specific interest subject areas.
  • State/territory faculties – inform, educate, and engage members, and advocate for the profession.

We encourage you to join our GPs in training faculty to connect with your peers across the country, as well as your local state/territory faculty and any other national faculty of interest. Visit the faculties website to learn more.
