GPs working towards attaining Fellowship: Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) and Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS) programs

Last updated 11 April 2024

Performance management

For doctors who are working towards attaining RACGP Fellowship and who are in an AGPT program or RVTS, all performance concerns are managed by the regional training team. Training teams, medical educators and supervisors seeking guidance on managing performance concerns can refer to the RACGP’s A guide to managing performance concerns in general practice registrars for further information. 

Most clinical skills concerns are not serious and are generally managed relatively easily with focused learning interventions. Formal remediation is required for those who don’t improve, despite the implementation of a focused learning intervention, or who have serious performance concerns, perhaps even from the outset.

For general practice registrars in an AGPT program, funding is available to enable remediation. For information refer to the following RACGP documents: 

Enquiries about registrar remediation may be emailed to  

In certain circumstances, performance concerns may be sufficiently serious that they have to be referred to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) under the mandatory reporting rules. Further information on mandatory reporting is available on the AHPRA website. 

The RACGP also requires training organisations to report critical incidents. Visit the adverse evebnts page for further information. 

General practice registrars may take leave from the training program for a variety of reasons such as illness and maternity leave. Sometimes this absence is for an extended time and the general practice registrar may require support in returning to training and clinical practice. There may even be concern about the adequacy of the general practice registrar’s skills, from prior to taking leave or because of the length of absence. Each training organisation will have provision for addressing these situations. Guidance on return to practice is found in the RACGP’s A guide to re-entry to general practice.

