
Explore Tasmanian universities where you can apply for an academic post.



Explore Tasmanian universities where you can apply for an academic post.


Last updated 8 February 2024


Connect with an academic general practice supervisor from a university department of general practice or rural clinical school. 

Explore the Tasmanian universities hosting academic post registrars below.

UTAS campus

University address: Private Bag 23 Hobart, TAS, 7001.

Head of department: Prof Mark Nelson.

Key academic post contact: Prof Jan Radford (Launceston): j.radford@utas.edu.au

Name and contact details: Assoc Prof Anthea Dallas (Hobart): anthea.dallas@utas.edu.au and Prof Lizzi Shires (Rural Clinical School, Burnie): lizzi.shires@utas.edu.au

Potential supervisors: Prof Mark Nelson, Prof Jan Radford, Assoc Prof Anthea Dallas and Prof Lizzi Shires.

Area of research interest, activities, expertise or opportunities for academic post projects: In our department, we focus on cardiovascular disease prevention, large-scale clinical trials, post hoc analyses of trial datasets, primary care and rural health, medical education, rural/regional general practice workforce development and evaluation of teaching programs.

Teaching opportunities: We contribute to the new year one and three program with case-based tutorials and clinical skills, covering basic and clinical sciences. Additionally, we actively participate in year four and five rotation-based general practice teaching. Assessment opportunities include written, objective structured clinical examinations and others. 

Click here to view department website.