1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to define the principles and circumstances under which the Registrar may withdraw or be withdrawn from a Training Program.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to:
Registrars enrolled in the:
Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program, or
Fellowship Support Program (FSP).
Registrars training towards RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship.
2.2 This policy is to be read in conjunction with the relevant training program registrar handbook. If there is any inconsistency between this policy and the relevant handbook, the terms of this policy take precedence.
3. General principles
3.1 The RACGP recognises that circumstances may arise that require Registrars to withdraw (voluntary) or be withdrawn (involuntary) from a Training Program.
3.2 The RACGP is committed to ensuring the withdrawal process:
observes the rules of natural justice, and
complies with legislative requirements, including anti-discrimination and privacy legislation.
3.3 The RACGP will offer and facilitate support to Registrars throughout the withdrawal process.
3.4 Registrars who have withdrawn or been withdrawn from AGPT or FSP and wish to enter or re-enter an RACGP-Approved Program must meet the requirements set by the relevant program’s Entry Policy.
4. Voluntary withdrawal
4.1 Registrars must inform the RACGP in writing of their intention to withdraw from a Training Program.
4.2 Registrars who voluntarily withdraw from a Training Program after the Commencement of Training receive a Cooling Off Period of 20 Business Days to enable them to reconsider their decision.
Registrars who withdraw prior to their Commencement of Training do not receive the Cooling Off Period
Registrars who have voluntarily withdrawn from the Training Program and are seeking to reapply for entry can waive the Cooling Off Period.
4.3 Registrars who voluntarily withdraw from a Training Program cannot apply for reconsideration or appeal of their withdrawal decision, as per the Reconsideration and Appeal Policy.
5. Involuntary withdrawal
5.1 The RACGP will consider cases of involuntary withdrawal on a case-by-case basis. The decision to withdraw a Registrar from a Training Program is subject to this policy, at the RACGP’s sole discretion.
5.2 The RACGP may withdraw a Registrar from their Training Program on the following grounds:
Clinical Competence - the Registrar is unable to sustain an acceptable level of Clinical Competence to progress with their Training Program.
Capacity - the Registrar is willing but unable to continue the Training Program. This includes, but is not limited to, instances where the Registrar:
fails to maintain their Ahpra Medical Registration as required by their Training Program, or
has Addenda imposed on their Ahpra Medical Registration, which renders them unable to progress with their program
has any other restrictions that impact their ability to practice
exhausted their Fellowship exam Candidacy.
Compliance - the Registrar fails to comply with their Education and Training Requirements. This includes, but is not limited to:
unsuccessful completion of, or non-compliance with the requirements of an approved Focused Learning Intervention or Remediation term,
repeated failure to respond to correspondence from the RACGP relating to the Registrar’s enrolment in the Training Program,
Prior to withdrawing the Registrar, the RACGP must attempt to contact the Registrar a minimum of three times, including once by certified or registered mail, over a minimum of eight calendar weeks.
inability to meet their Program Time requirements as per the Training Program Requirements Policy and Extensions of Program Time Policy,
cases where the RACGP assesses the Registrar as not meeting the required standards to enable them to successfully be admitted to Fellowship and subsequently obtain Ahpra Medical Registration as a specialist GP,
inability to start the Training Program after the maximal deferral period of Commencement of Training
cases where the Registrar’s leave extends beyond a reasonable timeframe, in the RACGP’s opinion, for that category of leave, as per the Leave Policy.
cases where AGPT Registrars who currently hold Accepted Temporary Visas and do not obtain permanent residency or citizenship of Australia or New Zealand prior to Completion of Training,
failure to maintain Financial RACGP Membership throughout training,
breach of any program training requirement evidenced in any training program agreement, or other written correspondence to a participant
failure to pay Training Program term fees (where applicable).
Professional Conduct - the Registrar is deemed to have failed to demonstrate a high level of professional behaviour. This includes, but is not limited to:
a finding of Serious Academic Misconduct as per the Academic Misconduct Policy.
a finding of Professional Misconduct.
5.3 The RACGP must notify the Registrar in writing before involuntarily withdrawing them.
Prior to sending the notification of withdrawal, the RACGP
may request more information from the Registrar and
must provide the Registrar with a written opportunity to show cause as to why the Registrar should not be involuntarily withdrawn
5.4 The Registrar may challenge an involuntary withdrawal decision by applying for a reconsideration of the decision as per the Reconsideration and Appeal Policy. Applications for reconsideration must be submitted to the RACGP within 20 business days of Receiving the Notification of involuntary withdrawal.
The RACGP will formally withdraw the Registrar from the Training Program after the 20 business-day period has passed and no application for reconsideration has been received. The decision to withdraw will be final.
6. Amendment of this policy
The Censor-in-Chief (CiC) may, without the consent of the RACGP Board, make Minor, Moderate and Consequential Amendments to this policy at any time.
If the CiC makes amendments, they must advise the RACGP Board of those amendments as soon as practicable.
The RACGP Board may make amendments to this policy at any time.
7. Responsibilities
7.1 Censor-in-Chief
- Approving Minor Amendments
- Approving Moderate Amendments
- Approving Consequential Amendments
7.2 RACGP Board
- Approving Major Amendments
7.3 Registrar
- Notifying the RACGP in writing if they choose to withdraw voluntarily
- Raising a dispute within 20 Business Days after notification of involuntary withdrawal
8. Glossary
8.1 Academic Misconduct
As defined in the Academic Misconduct Policy.
8.2 Accepted Temporary Visas
A visa accepted by the RACGP, as determined by the relevant application handbook.
8.3 Addenda
Includes, but is not limited to, restrictions, conditions, limitations, reprimands, supervision requirements, tribunal outcomes, suspensions, undertakings and/or any other remarks or changes on a Registrar’s medical registration.
Refer to Ahpra's website for more information.
8.4 Ahpra Medical Registration
Registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra), which allows the registrant to practise medicine.
See Ahpra’s website for more information.
8.5 Business Day
A day when both the RACGP national and relevant regional offices are operating.
8.6 Candidacy
The three-year period, separate to training program time, during which a Registrar can attempt Fellowship exams
8.7 Clinical Competence
Demonstrated ability to consistently perform relevant clinical tasks to the standard prescribed in the Progressive capability profile of the general practitioner.
8.8 Commencement of Training
The first day on which the Registrar begins their RACGP-Approved Program.
8.9 Completion of Training
The point at which the RACGP deems that the Registrar has completed their Training Program requirements, as per the Training Program Requirements Policy.
8.10 Consequential Amendment
An amendment that requires urgent implementation as a necessary result of an amendment to another policy or process.
8.11 Cooling Off Period
A period of time during which a Registrar may retract their decision to voluntarily withdraw from a Training Program.
8.12 Education and Training Requirements
The mandatory components of the Registrar’s RACGP-Approved Program as defined in the relevant Registrar handbook.
8.13 Fellowship
Admittance to either:
- Fellowship of the RACGP (FRACGP), or
- FRACGP and Rural Generalist Fellowship (FRACGP-RG).
8.14 Financial RACGP Member
An RACGP Member who has:
- met the membership category requirements,
- had their complete membership application form accepted, and
- paid their current membership fee in full.
8.15 Focused Learning Intervention
Targeted educational intervention, delivered during training, to address individual learning needs and performance issues.
8.16 Major Amendment
An amendment that materially changes the operation of the policy but is not otherwise a Minor or Moderate Amendment (ie a change to one major clause or policy review).
8.17 Minor Amendment
An amendment to style, to correct grammatical mistakes, change overall formatting, make updates that do not materially change meaning, or any other amendment, which in the opinion of the Censor-in-Chief, does not materially alter the operation of the policy.
8.18 Moderate Amendment
An amendment that materially changes the operation of a policy by a limited amount (ie a change to one minor clause, or changes that have a limited impact on the outcome of the policy).
8.19 Professional Misconduct
As defined in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009
8.20 Program Time
The length of time required to complete an RACGP-Approved Program.
8.21 RACGP-Approved Program
An education or Training Program approved by the RACGP as a suitable pathway to Fellowship, including:
- Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program,
- Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS),
- Fellowship Support Program (FSP),
- Practice Experience Program – Standard Stream
- Practice Experience Program Specialist – Partially Comparable Stream, and
- Practice Experience Program Specialist – Substantially Comparable Stream.
These Training Programs are approved specified programs listed in Division 6 of the Health Insurance Regulations 2018 (Cwlth).
8.22 Receiving the Notification
The RACGP deems a Registrar to have received a notification as:
- the date the RACGP sends the email, or
- the confirmed date of delivery of the certified or registered mail.
8.23 Register of Approved Placements
An electronic register maintained by Services Australia under Section 3GA of the Health Insurance Act 1973. Doctors placed on the Register satisfy the requirements of Section 19AA of the Act.
8.24 Registrar
A medical practitioner enrolled on the:
- Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program,
- Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS), or
- Fellowship Support Program (FSP).
8.25 Remediation
The process by which a Registrar receives additional support requiring funding and suspension of Program Time in order to address performance concerns.
8.26 Training Program
Either the:
- Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program, or
- Fellowship Support Program (FSP), or
- RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship.
8.27 Serious Academic Misconduct
Cases of substantiated Academic Misconduct, for which the sanctions imposed fall under clauses 7.4. f, k, m, n, o of the Academic Misconduct Policy.
8.28 Training Region
An area in which the RACGP delivers general practice training as defined by the relevant Training Program.
9. Related documents, legislation and policies
10. Policy review and currency
This policy will be reviewed every three calendar years from the last approval date, or when there is a significant change in the intent of the policy. This policy remains valid and applicable notwithstanding if it is overdue for review.
Date of effect
Amended by
5 |
30/01/2025 |
Education Policy and Guidance Coordinator |
Amendment details |
- Re-ordering and re-wording of content for clarity
- Update to ‘Scope’ to clarify the scope of this policy document does not include RACGP staff
- Update to ‘General principles’ for consistency with the Training Programs Entry Policy (addition of clause 3.4)
- Update to ‘Voluntary withdrawal’ 4.2.i, removing ‘unless the RACGP advises otherwise’)
- Update to ‘Involuntary withdrawal’, adding clause 5.1 (‘The RACGP will consider…case-by-case basis…’) for consistency with the Training Programs Entry Policy
- Update to ‘Involuntary withdrawal’ with further grounds for withdrawal (5.2 ii c ‘any other restrictions…’, 5.2 ii d ‘Fellowship exam candidacy ‘, 5.2 iii f ‘leave extends beyond a reasonable timeframe’, and 5.2 iii i ‘breach of any program training requirement…’).
- New section on ‘Professional conduct’ added
- Update to ‘Involuntary withdrawal’ with more detail added on the RACGP notifying the registrars in writing before involuntarily withdrawing them (clause 5.3 i), including reference to a ‘written opportunity to show cause’
- Rewording of the section on ‘Involuntary withdrawal’ to ‘…within 20 business days of receiving the notification…’ (removed reference to the ‘date of withdrawal’)
4 |
9 November 2023 |
Education Policy and Guidance Lead |
Amendment details |
- Updated to department name from Department of Human Services to Services Australia
- Update to Glossary terms
5 June 2023
Education Policy and Guidance Lead
Amendment details
- Addition of clause 5.2.iii.h - involuntary withdrawal for non-payment of Training Program term fees (where applicable).
02 May 2023
Education Policy and Guidance Coordinator
Amendment details
- 4.3, 5.3, 5.4, 9: Update to policy title - Dispute, Reconsideration and Appeals Policy
- 8.2,8.3: Update to acronym (AHPRA)
The start date of the first term of the Training Program in 2023
Education Policy and Guidance Lead
Amendment details
- Simplified types of withdrawal, though the principles remain the same
- Clarified wording around temporary visas
- The RACGP can assess re-entry into Training Programs on a case-by-case basis after involuntary withdrawal
Policy owner:
Approved by:
Approved on:
Next review due: