Training Programs Entry Policy


Page last updated 3 February 2025

2025.2 applicants eligible for the 2025.2 Fellowship Support Program (FSP) will be exempt from the requirement to undertake the National Entry Assessment  (clause 5.1).

This exemption may not extend to subsequent intakes of the FSP. The RACGP will provide relevant information to subsequent intakes as it is available.

For further information about applications, interviews and offers, please refer to the Fellowship Support Program page.


1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define the entry principles and requirements for entry into:

1.1 the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program and

1.2 the Fellowship Support Program (FSP).

2. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to medical practitioners applying for entry into AGPT or FSP.

2.2 This policy is to be read in conjunction with the relevant training program application handbook. If there is any inconsistency between this policy and the relevant handbook, the terms of this policy take precedence.

3. General Principles

3.1 The RACGP is committed to ensuring that selection for entry into a Training Program is:

    1. transparent, rigorous, and fair for all Applicants,
    2. robust, valid, consistent, and free of discrimination, and
    3. based on merit.

3.2 Offers of placements

    1. The RACGP promotes and prioritises Training Program positions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Applicants who meet the entry requirements, and commits to providing appropriate supports to ensure we are moving towards training equity.
    2. Subject to 3.2 i, offers of placement are made according to criteria determined by the RACGP, as required, and published in the relevant training handbook.

4. Eligibility and application

4.1 Applicants must meet the Training Program’s eligibility requirements in place at the time of their application, as outlined in the:

    1. AGPT Eligibility and Application Guide for AGPT Applicants
    2. FSP Application Handbook for FSP Applicants

4.2 Applicants who meet any of the following criteria are not eligible for entry into FSP or AGPT.

    1. Carrying a conviction in the last ten years for any indictable offence in an Australian or overseas jurisdiction, or
    2. Being suspended or removed from the Register of Medical Practitioners by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (Ahpra) in the last ten years.

4.3 Applicants must provide evidence of their right to practise in Australia in their application, including detail of their Ahpra Medical Registration and, where applicable, of an appropriate valid visa.

    1. Evidence of registration must include details of any:
      1. Addenda on the Applicant’s Ahpra Medical Registration and any medical registration they hold overseas; and/or
      2. regulatory authority activity, whether in Australia or overseas, that:
        1. has led or may lead to a change in registration status, or
        2. has led to an adverse finding for the Applicant or forms part of an ongoing investigation; and/or
      3. other Notifiable Conduct.
    2. In addition to Addenda on their Medical Registration, applicants must also provide evidence of any other restrictions that impact their ability to practice (eg a court or tribunal order).
    3. Applicants with Addenda that limit their scope of practice, or that could significantly impact on their ability to progress to Fellowship may not be granted entry in the Training Program, as per the Implications of Restrictions, Conditions, and other Addenda on Medical Registration Guide

4.4 Applications must contain information that is accurate, current, complete and verifiable.

    1. Applications containing plagiarised, false or misleading information will be handled as per the Academic Misconduct Policy
      1. Applicants with a finding of Serious Academic Misconduct in the last ten years will not be eligible for entry into the Training Program.

4.5 Applicants who have previously withdrawn or been withdrawn from specialist training with any specialist medical college may apply for entry, or re-entry, into AGPT or FSP.

    1. Applicants who wish to re-enter AGPT or FSP after withdrawal must:
      1. re-apply for entry and meet the eligibility requirements current at the time of re-application.
      2. have a minimum of two active exam cycles remaining in their Candidacy at the time of commencement in training.
    2. For Applicants who have previously withdrawn after the commencement of training or been withdrawn, the RACGP will consider applications as per the relevant training program application handbook, on a case-by-case basis.
      1. Applicants must demonstrate that they have met any conditions for entry or re-entry.
      2. The decision to approve entry or re-entry is at the RACGP’s sole discretion.
    3. Applicants who withdrew or were withdrawn from an RACGP-Approved Program and found to meet any of the following criteria while on the program are not eligible to enter or re-enter into AGPT or FSP for ten years from the date of withdrawal:
      1. Professional Misconduct,
      2. Serious Academic Misconduct, as per the Academic Misconduct Policy,
      3. Termination of RACGP Membership as a result of a disciplinary action, as per the Membership Code of Conduct,
      4. Failure to complete any or all elements of their Training Program within the specified Program Time cap (as per the Training Program Requirements Policy).

5. Selection

5.1 Applicants who have had their eligibility assessed and confirmed by the RACGP are required to sit the National Entry Assessment, as per the Assessments and Examinations Candidate Handbook.

    1. The decision to grant an exemption to sit the National Entry Assessment and the scope of the exemption are at the RACGP’s sole discretion.

5.2 Applicants may only sit the National Entry Assessment once per intake year.

    1. For AGPT Applicants, results are valid for the duration of the intake year for which the Applicant initially applied.
    2. For FSP Applicants, results are valid for the duration of the intake for which the Applicant initially applied, and for the following intake.

6. Amendment of this Policy

The Censor-in-Chief (CiC) may, without the consent of the RACGP Board, make Minor, Moderate and Consequential Amendments to this policy at any time.

If the CiC makes amendments, they must advise the RACGP Board of those amendments as soon as practicable.

The RACGP Board may make amendments to this policy at any time.

7. Responsibilities

7.1 Censor-in-Chief

  1. Approving Minor Amendments

  2. Approving Moderate Amendments

  3. Approving Consequential Amendments

7.2 RACGP Board

  1. Approving Major Amendments


  1. Identifying Applicant eligibility and suitability for entry into the Training Programs

  2. Coordinating the National Entry Assessment

  3. Offering training positions to successful applicants

7.4 Applicants

  1. Providing the RACGP with a complete application for the relevant Training Program

  2. Enrolling in and undertaking the National Entry Assessment if eligible

  3. Becoming Financial RACGP Members after an offer is accepted and before the first day of training.

  4. Accepting an offer in writing for a position on the relevant Training Program if offered and signing the relevant Training Program Agreement.

  5. Paying Training Program fees (when applicable).


8. Glossary

8.1 Addenda

Includes, but is not limited to restrictions, conditions, limitations, reprimands, supervision requirements, tribunal outcomes, suspensions, undertakings, and/or any other remarks or changes on their medical registration.

See Ahpra's website for more information.

8.2 Ahpra Medical Registration

Registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) which allows the registrant to practise medicine.

Refer to Ahpra's website for more information.

8.3 Applicant

The medical practitioner applying for entry into the AGPT Program or Fellowship Support Program.

8.4 Candidacy

The three-year period, separate to training program time, during which a registrar can attempt Fellowship exams.

8.5 Candidate

The Applicant who has progressed to participation in the National Entry Assessment.

8.6 Consequential Amendment

An amendment which requires urgent implementation as a necessary result of an amendment to another policy or process.

8.7 Major Amendment

An amendment that materially changes the operation of the policy but is not otherwise a Minor or Moderate Amendment (ie a change to one major clause or policy review).

8.8 Minor Amendment

An amendment to style, to correct grammatical mistakes, change overall formatting, make updates that do not materially change meaning, or any other amendment, which in the opinion of the Censor-in-Chief, does not materially alter the operation of the policy.

8.9 National Entry Assessment

A component of the selection process to the AGPT Program and FSP.

8.10 Notifiable Conduct

As per the Medical Board of Australia’s Guidelines for mandatory notifications about registered health practitioners.

8.11 Professional Misconduct

As defined in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009

8.12 Program Time 

The length of time required to complete an RACGP-Approved Program.

8.13 RACGP-Approved Program

An education or Training Program approved by the RACGP as a suitable avenue to Fellowship, including the:

  1. Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program,

  2. Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS),

  3. Practice Experience Program – Standard Stream

  4. Practice Experience Program – Specialist Stream Partially Comparable Stream,

  5. Practice Experience Program –Specialist Stream Substantially Comparable Stream.

These Training Programs are approved specified programs listed in Division 6 of the Health Insurance Regulations 2018 (Cwlth).

8.14 RACGP Fellowship Examinations

The exams which, as determined by the RACGP, assess a candidate’s competency for unsupervised general practice anywhere in Australia. They include the:

  1. Applied Knowledge Test (AKT),

  2. Key Feature Problem (KFP), and

  3. Clinical Competency Exam (CCE).

8.15 Serious Academic Misconduct

Cases of substantiated Academic Misconduct, for which the sanctions imposed fall under clauses 7.4. f, k, m, n, o of the Academic Misconduct Policy.

8.16 Training Program

Either the:

  1. Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program, or

  2. Fellowship Support Program (FSP).


9. Related Documents, Legislation and Policies

10. Policy review and currency

This policy will be reviewed every three calendar years from the last approval date, or when there is a significant change in the intent of the policy. This policy remains valid and applicable notwithstanding if it is overdue for review.


Version Date of effect Amended by
5 30/01/2025 Education Policy and Guidance Coordinator
Amendment details
  • Update to ‘Scope’ to clarify that the scope of this policy document does not include RACGP staff.
  • Update to ‘General principles’ with wording changes and additional wording added for clarity and the removal of the reference to the ‘Closing the Gap initiative’, replacing it with the clause on ‘…moving towards training equity.’
  • New section added on ‘Eligibility and application’ to give more information on eligibility (4.1, 4.4), the need to provide evidence of right to practice in Australia (4.3) and to list the grounds on which an applicant cannot enter or re-enter training (4.2, 4.5).
  • Removal of the heading ‘Entry Requirements’
  • Update to ‘Selection’ section with removal of clause 4.3.i.d (‘Candidates who have a valid Fellowship Exams pass when applying to the FSP may be exempt from sitting the National Entry Assessment.’) and clause 4.3 ii (‘AGPT Program Applicants must complete an interview with the RACGP’)
  • Update to the ‘Responsibilities’ section under ‘Applicants’ (content previously listed under ‘Entry Requirements’ in ‘Accepting a Training Program position’).
4 16/01/2024 Education Policy and Guidance Lead
Amendment details
  • Update to Glossary terms
  • Update to titles of application guide and handbook
3 06/06/2023 Education Policy and Guidance Coordinator
Amendment details
  • 4.2.i Update to titles of application guide and handbook.
  02/05/2023 Education Policy and Guidance Coordinator
Amendment details
  • Update to ‘related documents, legislation and policies’ to reflect correct document titles.
1 04/07/2022 Education Policy and Guidance Lead
Amendment details
  • Translated policy from a process to the requirements for entry
  • Realigned language to entry rather than selection
  • Included the requirements to accept a Training Programs position
  • Included entry requirements for the Fellowship Support Program alongside the AGPT Program
Policy owner: RACGP Board
Approved by: CiC Approved on: 02/06/2022
Next review due: 01/2028    

