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Training Program Requirements Policy


Page last updated 29 January 2024

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define the principles and requirements for progression and completion of Training Programs and the Remote Vocational Training Scheme.

2. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to

    1. all Registrars enrolled in the:

      1. Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program,

      2. Fellowship Support Program (FSP), and

      3. Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS),

    2. Post-fellowship general practitioners (GPs) training towards RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship, and

    3. RACGP Staff.

2.2 This policy should be read in conjunction with the Leave Policy, Extensions of Program Time Policy and relevant Registrar handbooks and Staff training manuals.

    1. RVTS Registrars should refer to the RVTS website for their policies and handbooks for further details.

2.3 This policy replaces the previous AGPT Training Obligations Policy and related regional training organisation policies and will come into effect on the start date of the first term of the Training Program or the RVTS in 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, to the extent that there is any inconsistency between the previous policies and this policy, the terms of this policy apply.

3. General principles

3.1 Registrars must satisfactorily progress through their Training Program or the RVTS to be eligible to:

    1. sit Fellowship Exams, and

    2. be admitted to Fellowship.

3.2 The RACGP bases the requirements to progress through training on:

    1. Registrars gaining adequate experience in Comprehensive Australian General Practice,

    2. ensuring the safety of the practice community where the Registrar is working,

    3. Registrars meeting the appropriate stage of the Progressive capability profile of the general practitioner,

    4. ensuring the Registrar has access to the appropriate level of supervision,

    5. the timely admission to Fellowship, and

    6. the RACGP meeting funding agreement requirements (AGPT program only).

3.3 The RACGP or RVTS monitors the Registrar’s progression through training from multiple information sources to ensure accurate and fair assessment.

4. Application and selection process

To successfully complete the relevant Training Program, the Registrar must meet the following requirements:

4.1 Education and Training Requirements

    1. The RACGP requires the Registrar to successfully complete the education and training activities outlined in the relevant Training Program handbook.

4.2 Professional conduct requirements

    1. Throughout the Training Program or the RVTS, the RACGP requires the Registrar to demonstrate:

      1. honesty and integrity,

      2. professionalism,

      3. responsibility, and

      4. effective and appropriate communication.

4.3 Program Time requirements

    1. To ensure continuous progression towards Fellowship, the Registrar must complete their requirements for Fellowship, as per the Requirements for Fellowship Policy, within the Program Time requirements for their Training Program or the RVTS.

    2. Only training approved as part of the Training Program or RVTS will count towards the Registrar’s Full-Time Equivalence (FTE) Program Time.

    3. Prior learning and experience can reduce the Registrar’s overall Program Time if approved as per the Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience Policy.

    4. The Registrar should train continuously while on the Training Program or RVTS, except when on approved leave as per the Leave Policy.

    5. Approved Remediation terms will suspend the Registrar’s Program Time.

    6. If the Registrar exhausts their Program Time without being admitted to Fellowship, they may apply for additional Program Time and/or support as per the Extensions of Program Time Policy.

    7. AGPT and RVTS Registrars

      1. The Registrar must complete all Education and Training Requirements in the following Program Time caps:

        1. four calendar years from the Commencement of Training for full-time Registrars seeking Fellowship of the RACGP,

        2. five calendar years from the Commencement of Training for full-time Registrars seeking Fellowship of the RACGP and Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine , and

        3. six calendar years from the Commencement of Training for full-time Registrars seeking RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship, including Registrars undertaking both General Practice Colleges’ AGPT programs.

      1. An AGPT Registrar may apply to the RACGP to undertake Part-Time Training at any time during their Training Program.

        1. the RACGP expects that the Registrar will complete Out-of-Practice Education on a full-time basis for GPT1 and GPT2.

          1. The Registrar may request to complete Out-of-Practice Education on a part-time basis as part of their Part-Time Training application

        2. the Registrar may complete Out-of-Practice Education on a part-time basis after completion of GPT2, at a minimum of 0.5 FTE.

    1. FSP Registrars

      1. An FSP Registrar must complete the Education and Training Requirements in five calendar years from the Commencement of Training.

        1. The Registrar must complete all education requirements in two calendar years from the Commencement of Training.

        2. The Registrar must complete all post-education requirements in three calendar years following completion of the education requirements.

    1. Post-fellowship GPs training towards RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship

      1. A post-fellowship GP must complete all training requirements in two calendar years from commencing Rural Generalist Training.

        1. Post-fellowship GPs undertaking part-time training must complete all training requirements in four calendar years from commencing the Rural Generalist Training.

      2. A post-fellowship GP may apply to the RACGP Rural Censor to undertake Part-Time Training at anytime during the Rural Generalist training.

        1. Part-Time Training must align with the Part-Time Training requirements.

      3. The Rural Censor has the discretion to approve an extension to Rural Generalist Fellowship Program Time requirements on a case-by-case basis.

4.4 Training location requirements

    1. To ensure workforce distribution and optimum training experiences, the Registrar must comply with the training location requirements of their Training Program or the RVTS.

    2. All Registrars must undertake their training within Australia and Australian external territories.

      1. ADF Registrars are eligible to undertake approved Extended Skills Training overseas.

    1. AGPT Registrars with the general training stream

      1. The Registrar must undertake 52 calendar weeks of their Core Vocational Training outside of inner metropolitan areas, regardless of whether they are training on a full-time or part-time basis.

        1. The Registrar may undertake 52 calendar weeks of training in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health training post in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service or other approved Aboriginal Medical Service in an inner metropolitan area to meet this requirement.

      2. The Registrar must meet all training location obligations during Core Vocational Training.

    1. AGPT Registrars with the rural training stream

      1. The Registrar must undertake all their training in Training Sites in Modified Monash Model (MMM) 2–7 locations.

        1. the rural stream training location requirements do not apply to the mandatory hospital training year.

      2. Registrars who are subject to Section 19AB of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwlth) must undertake all their training with the rural stream of the AGPT program in accredited Training Sites located in MMM 2–7 locations.

      3. Local teams have the discretion to approve Extended Skills Training and Additional Rural Skills Training in MMM 1 locations, where these training opportunities are not available in their training region.

    2. RVTS Registrars

      1. The Registrar must undertake their training in MMM 2–7 locations as per the RVTS applicant guide.

    3. FSP Registrars

      1. The Registrar must undertake all their training in accredited Training Sites in MMM 2–7 locations or in the case of Extenuating and Unforeseen Circumstances, eligible MMM 1 locations.

      2. Registrars who are subject to Section 19AB of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwlth) must undertake all their training (including required skills training) in accredited Training Sites located in MMM 2–7 locations and in a distribution priority area.

    4. Rural Generalist Fellowship Registrars

      1. The Registrar must undertake at least 52 calendar weeks FTE of their training in accredited Training Sites in MMM 3–7 locations.

4.5 Dual-Fellowship Registrars

    1. If a Registrar is undertaking both General Practice Colleges’ AGPT programs, they must undertake both programs concurrently in combined units that meet the dual curriculum requirements.

5. Amendment of this policy

The Censor-in-Chief (CiC) may, without the consent of the RACGP Board, make Minor, Moderate and Consequential Amendments to this policy at any time. 

If the CiC makes amendments, they must advise the RACGP Board of those amendments as soon as practicable.

The RACGP Board may make amendments to this policy at any time.

6. Responsibilities

6.1   Censor-in-Chief

  1. Approving Minor Amendments
  2. Approving Moderate Amendments
  3. Approving Consequential Amendments

6.2   RACGP

  1. Supporting the Registrar to meet their training progression requirements
  2. Assessing requests for part-time training and working with the Registrar or post-Fellowship GP to accommodate their needs, where appropriate
  3. Approving requests for extensions of Program Time, as per the Extensions of Program Time Policy, where appropriate.

6.3   RACGP Board

  1. Approving Major Amendments

6.4   Registrar

  1. Completing all training progression requirements of their Training Program or the RVTS
  2. Applying to undertake training on a part-time basis, if required
  3. Applying for an extension of Program Time, if required

6.5   Post-fellowship GP

  1. Completing all training progression requirements of the Rural Generalist Fellowship.

  2. Applying to undertake training on a part-time basis, if required.

  3. Applying for an extension of Program Time, if required.


7. Glossary

7.1 Additional Rural Skills Training (ARST)

52 calendar weeks (FTE) in an accredited training post that provides the appropriate depth and breadth of experience necessary to meet the requirements of the particular ARST curriculum.

7.2 Approved Remediation Term

A term in which the Registrar receives additional support requiring funding and suspension of Program Time in order to address performance concerns.

7.3 Commencement of Training

The first day on which the Registrar begins their RACGP-Approved Program.

7.4 Comprehensive Australian General Practice

As defined in the Comprehensive Australian general practice guide.

7.5 Consequential Amendment

An amendment that requires urgent implementation as a necessary result of an amendment to another policy or process.

7.6 Core Vocational Training

General practice term (GPT)1, GPT2, GPT3 and Extended Skills Training term of the AGPT program.

7.7 Education and Training Requirements 

The mandatory components of the GPiT’s RACGP-Approved Program as defined in the relevant GPiT handbook.

7.8 Extended Skills Training

A 26-calendar week (FTE) term undertaken to extend the depth and breadth of the Registrar’s skill base in an area relevant to general practice.

7.9 Extenuating Circumstances

Circumstances the RACGP considers on a case-by-case basis, which are outside the Candidate’s control and which can be shown to have a direct and significant impact on the Candidate’s ability to sit an assessment and/or their performance in an assessment.

7.10 Extenuating and Unforeseen Circumstances

Circumstances which are outside the GPiT’s control and can reasonably be considered to have been unforeseen, and can be shown to have a direct and significant impact on the GPiT. The RACGP considers Extenuating and Unforeseen Circumstances  on a case-by-case basis.

7.11 Fellowship

Admittance to either:

  1. Fellowship of the RACGP (FRACGP), or
  2. FRACGP and Rural Generalist Fellowship (FRACGP-RG).

7.12 Fellowship Exams

The exams run by the RACGP to assess the Candidate’s competency for unsupervised general practice anywhere in Australia, including:

  1. Applied Knowledge Test (AKT),
  2. Key Feature Problem (KFP), and
  3. Clinical Examination, which depending on the time of sitting, is the Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE), Remote Clinical Exam (RCE) or Clinical Competency Exam (CCE).

7.13 Full-Time Equivalence (FTE)

The RACGP determines FTE to mean 38 hours per week and includes all practice time, education, and Training Program activities – the composition of which will vary depending upon the GPiT’s stage of training.

7.14  General Practice College

Either the:

  1. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), or
  2. Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).

7.15 Inner Metropolitan

The Inner and Outer Metropolitan status of specific locations can be found by using the locator tool on the DoctorConnect website.

7.16 In-Practice Education

Education that takes place in community general practice under supervision.

7.17 Major Amendment

An amendment that materially changes the operation of the policy but is not otherwise a Minor or Moderate Amendment (ie a change to one major clause or policy review).

7.18 Minor Amendment

An amendment to style, to correct grammatical mistakes, change overall formatting, make updates that do not materially change meaning, or any other amendment, which in the opinion of the Censor-in-Chief, does not materially alter the operation of the policy.

7.19 Moderate Amendments

An amendment that materially changes the operation of a policy by a limited amount (ie a change to one minor clause, or changes that have a limited impact on the outcome of the policy).

7.20 Modified Monash Model

The Modified Monash Model (2019) (MMM) is a classification system that categorises metropolitan, regional, rural and remote areas according to both geographical remoteness and town size.  

The MMM classification for any given area can be found by using the locator tool on the DoctorConnect website. 

7.21 Out-of-Practice Education

Education that occurs outside of regular clinical practice, requiring specific resourcing not easily provided within the practice environment, including interactions with experienced practitioners and educators from outside the Registrar’s work environment.

7.22 Part-Time Training

The combined time spent in practice and undertaking Out-of-Practice Education.

  1. Time in practice is calculated pro-rata against the definition of full-time general practice experience.
  2. Part-time general practice must comprise:
    1. a minimum of 14.5 hours in a working week, over a minimum of two days per week,
    2. a minimum of 10.5 hours in face-to-face, rostered, patient consultation time undertaking general practice activities.
  3. Work periods of less than three consecutive hours, or of less than four calendar weeks in any one practice, will not be considered.
  4. Out-of-Practice Education hours may be in addition to time in practice.

7.23 Program Time

The length of time required to complete an RACGP-Approved Program.

7.24 RACGP-Approved Program

An education or Training Program approved by the RACGP as a suitable avenue to Fellowship, including the:

  1. Australian General Practice Training Program,
  2. Remote Vocational Training Scheme,
  3. Fellowship Support Program,
  4. Practice Experience Program – Standard Stream
  5. Practice Experience Program – Specialist Stream Partially Comparable
  6. Practice Experience Program – Specialist Stream Substantially Comparable specified programs listed in Division 6 of the Health Insurance Regulations 2018 (Cwlth).

7.25 Registrar

The medical practitioner enrolled in the:

  1. Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program, 
  2. Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS), or
  3. Fellowship Support Program (FSP)

7.26 Training Program

Either the:

  1. Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program, or
  2. Fellowship Support Program (FSP).

7.27 Training Site

A health service accredited by the RACGP where the Registrar may undertake their general practice training. For AGPT Registrars, this excludes the mandatory hospital training time.


8. Related documents, legislation and policies

8.1   Dispute, Reconsideration and Appeals Policy

8.2   Leave Policy

8.3   Extensions of Program Time Policy

8.4   Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience Policy

8.5   Requirements for Fellowship Policy

8.6   AGPT Registrar Training handbook

8.7   AGPT staff training manual

8.8   FSP registrar handbook

8.9   FSP staff training manual

8.10 Comprehensive Australian General Practice Guide

9. Policy review and currency

This policy will be reviewed every three years from the last approval date, or when there is a significant change in the intent of the policy. This policy remains valid and applicable notwithstanding if it is overdue for review.



Date of effect

Amended by


02 May 2023

Education Policy and Guidance Coordinator

Amendment details

  • Amendment to reflect correct policy and document titles:
    • 7.4 Comprehensive Australian general practice guide
    • 8.1 Dispute, Reconsideration and Appeals Policy
    • 8.3 Extensions of Program Time Policy
    • 8.5 Requirements for Fellowship Policy


The start date of the first term of the Training Program in 2023

Education Policy and Guidance Lead

Amendment details

  • Amendment to clause 4.3.ix relating to Program Time Requirements

  • Amendment to the responsbilities for Post-fellowship GPs undertaking the Rural Generalist Fellowship


The start date of the first term of the Training Program in 2023

Education Policy and Guidance Lead

Amendment details

  • Amendmdent to clause 2.1.ii to clarify scope
  • Amendments to clause 4.3 relating to Program Time requirements
  • Amendment to clause 4.4.iii relating to Training Location requirements
  • Clarification to governance for rural pathway transfer
  • Definition of Registrar has been updated to include a medical practitioner enrolled in the Fellowship Support Program (FSP)
  • Links have been updated throughout where documents have become avaliable


The start date of the first term of the Training Program in 2023

Education Policy and Guidance Lead

Amendment details

  • The policy now includes all mandatory training progression requirements, including:
  • Education and Training Requirements,
  • Competency requirements,
  • Program Time requirements, including Part-Time Training,
  • Training location obligations, and
  • Dual Fellowship Registrars.

Policy owner:


Approved by:


Approved on:


Next review due:




