Policy Update Notice - AGPT Registrar training handbook

Page last updated 2 November 2023

2 November 2023

This notice is to advise that the RACGP has updated the AGPT Registrar Training Handbook. The updated handbook will come into immediate effect, superseding the previous corresponding handbook as of Thursday, 2 November 2023

What has changed?

Affected section



Assessment of readiness for general practice

Recognition of prior learning and experience

These sections have been redeveloped so content is clearer and more concise. Improvements include:

  • Better delineation between Mandatory Terms and Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience, and requirements to be met for each.
  • Duplications removed, with links to single point of truth added instead.

Improve clarity for registrars and internal staff.

General Practice Training

General Practice Training terms

Addition of ‘extended skills training term’ in sentence below to make it clear that diversity of practice requirements can be met during extended skills training term

  • While undertaking GPT1, 2, 3 and your extended skills training term, you must have exposure to a diverse range of patient populations and presentations.
Provide registrars with accurate and up-to-date information.
Extended Skills Training (EST)

Section updated so examples of EST in different settings align with examples listed in the Extended skills training accreditation guide.

Provide consistent information across RACGP resources.
Extended Skills Training (EST)

Wording below amended to make it clear that only non-clinical extended skills training in an academic post or registrar liaison officer term can be done concurrent with GPT1, 2 or 3.

  • If you choose to partially extend your skills in a non-clinical setting, at least 50 per cent of the total hours (FTE) you work must be extending your skills in a clinical setting. You cannot use a concurrent GPT1, 2 or 3 term to fulfill this 50 per cent requirement. Only undertaking non-clinical extended skills training in an academic post or Registrar Liaison Officer term can be done concurrent with GPT1, 2 or 3.
Improve clarity for registrars and internal staff.
Out of practice education

Section reworded for clarity.

Link to Education calendar added for reference.

Improve clarity for registrars and internal staff.
Training location

Removal of references to training location requirements – correct references moving forward will be:

  • Training Location Obligations (Commonwealth set requirements for general and rural pathway),
  • Training Location Commitments (RACGP set requirements for workforce distribution across regions)

Link to AGPT Training Location Requirements and Commitments Schedule added for reference.

Provide registrars with accurate and up-to-date information.
Clinical supervision

Change of 'Primary supervisor' to 'Designated supervisor', as per new approved language.

Provide consistent information across RACGP resources.
Rural generalist training

Core emergency medicine training

Link to RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship Training Handbook added for reference.

Provide consistent information across RACGP resources.
Exam eligibility – sitting exams while on approved leave

Language improved to ensure intent is clearer.

Improve clarity for registrars and internal staff.
Withdrawing from an exam

Content added to make it clear that registrars who notify the College of their withdrawal less than 20 business days before the scheduled exam date can receive a refund, provided they meet the requirements for extenuating and unforeseen circumstances.  

This aligns with information provided in the Assessments and Examinations Handbook.

Provide consistent information across RACGP resources.
Entire handbook

Definition of Full-Time Training and Part-Time Training updated as below, to align with definitions used in policies:

  • Full-time training is defined as at least 38 hours over a minimum of four days per week. A minimum of 27 hours must be in face-to-face, rostered, patient consultation time undertaking general practice activities. Work periods of less than three consecutive hours, or of less than 4 calendar weeks in any one practice will not be considered. Hours worked beyond this fulltime definition will not be considered.
  • Part-time training is defined as at least 14.5 hours over a minimum of two days per week, of which at least 10.5 hours is face-to-face, rostered, patient consultation time, undertaking general practice activities. Work periods of less than three consecutive hours, or of less than 4 calendar weeks in any one practice will not be considered.
Provide consistent information across RACGP resources.

When do these changes take place?
The changes take place on 2 November 2023.

Where can I view the documents?
The new documents can be accessed below:

All handbooks can be accessed via the RACGP website.

What if I have questions?
If you have any enquiries relating to the updated policies, please contact educationpolicy@racgp.org.au

