03 July 2023
This notice is to advise the RACGP has updated the Accreditation Policy. The updated policy will come into immediate effect, superseding the previous policy as of Monday, 3 July 2023.
Affected clause
Clause 3 - General principles
A range of updates have been made to the general principles.
These updates will ensure the policy accurately reflects the principles of accreditation.
Clause 4.7 – Training site failure to fulfill contractual obligations |
The clause has been amended to include additional steps the RACGP may take where a Training Site is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations.
4.7 If the Training Site is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations, the RACGP may:
- direct the Training Site to undertake remedial activities,
- impose conditions on accreditation,
- remove the Registrar from the Training site or limit further placements until remedial activities are satisfactorily completed, or iv. de-accredit the Training Site.
It may be appropriate in some circumstances to put conditions or place limitations on training site accreditation to maintain appropriate standards.
Clause 5.6 |
The clause has been amended to include additional steps the RACGP may take where supervisor does not perform to the required standard.
5.6 If the Supervisor fails to perform at the required level, the RACGP may:
- direct the supervisor to undertake remedial activities,
- impose conditions on accreditation,
- remove the Registrar from the Supervisor’s supervision or limit further placements until such activities are satisfactorily completed, or iv. de-accredit the Supervisor.
It may be appropriate in some circumstances to put conditions or place limitations on supervisor accreditation to maintain appropriate standards.
Clause 5.3 – Supervisor accreditation for primary and secondary supervisors |
Removal of clause 5.3.i-ii, relating to Primary and Secondary Supervisor accreditation.
The RACGP requires Primary and Secondary supervisors to be accredited to the same standard and process. |
Clause 6 – Management of performance concerns |
Clause 6 has been added with details relating to management of performance concerns. |
This new clause will ensure how the RACGP will support and remediate Training Sites and Supervisors is clear.
There is information provided on how the RACGP will handle performance concerns and how these decisions will be taken.
Clause 7 – Deaccreditation |
Clause 7 has been added with details relating to deaccreditation of training sites and supervisors. |
This new clause will ensure how the RACGP will manage both involuntary and voluntary deaccreditation.
There is information provided on how these decisions will be taken.
When do these changes take place?
The changes take place 3 July 2023.
Where can I view the documents?
The updated handbook can be accessed below:
All training program policies can be accessed via the RACGP website.
What if I have questions?
If you have any enquiries relating to the updated policy, please contact educationpolicy@racgp.org.au