Practice Experience Program Specialist (PEP SP) Participant Handbook - Partially Comparable Stream

Withdrawal and re-entry


Withdrawal and re-entry

There may be circumstances where you need to withdraw from the program (voluntary withdrawal), or where we determine you need to be withdrawn from the program (involuntary withdrawal).

You may decide to voluntarily withdraw from the PEP SP. If this is the case, we strongly encourage you to discuss your intention with your ME before starting any formal withdrawal process, so we can consider alternative options and support you in your pursuit of Fellowship.

Voluntary withdrawals are not subject to the Dispute, Reconsideration and Appeals Policy because the decision to withdraw is yours alone. Therefore, make sure voluntary withdrawal is the most appropriate decision for your circumstances.

You must inform the RACGP of your intention to withdraw by emailing us at

Cooling off period

Withdrawing from the program is a significant decision and we recognise that you may change your mind.

If you withdraw after the commencement of training (ie after you start work in your RACGP-approved practice), your decision is subject to a 20-business-day cooling-off period. This means that you may cancel your withdrawal for a period of 20 days by emailing us at If we haven’t heard anything from you by the end of the cooling-off period, the withdrawal will be processed.

Please note that this cooling-off period doesn’t apply to a voluntary withdrawal before the commencement of training. So, if you withdraw before the training program begins and then change your mind, you’ll need to re-apply to join the PEP SP.

In some circumstances, we may determine that you should be withdrawn from the training program. If we intend to withdraw you, we’ll advise you in writing before you’re withdrawn. Examples of reasons for involuntary withdrawal are listed in the table below.

Reason for withdrawal


Clinical competence

You have not met and maintained an appropriate level of clinical competence, as assessed by your ME.


You are unable to continue your training program because:

  • you’re unable to maintain appropriate medical registration throughout the program.
  • addenda have been added to your medical registration, which restrict your ability to continue in the program.
  • you didn’t maintain a valid visa status.


You have not complied with the program’s education and training requirements, eg:

  • not meeting the program time cap requirements,
  • not completing the WBA program,
  • not returning to the training program after a period of leave, or taking a period of leave that extends beyond a reasonable timeframe for that category of leave, as per the PEP SP Leave Policy,
  • failing to maintain Financial RACGP Membership throughout the PEP SP,
  • failing to pay the PEP SP fees,
  • repeatedly failing to respond to correspondence from the RACGP relating to your enrolment in the PEP SP.

Note: As per the PEP SP Withdrawal Policy, the RACGP will attempt to contact you a minimum of three times, including once by certified/registered mail, over an eight-calendar week period. If no response is received within that timeframe, you will be withdrawn.


You may dispute your involuntary withdrawal as per the Dispute, Reconsideration and Appeals Policy. You must lodge a dispute within 20 business days of the date of withdrawal or the date of receiving the notification. If no dispute is raised within that timeframe, we will proceed with the withdrawal process.

You can’t be reinstated on the program unless the decision to withdraw you has been overturned through the processes outlined in the Dispute, Reconsideration and Appeals Policy.
