Australian Defence Force Registrars Guide AGPT Program


Last revised: 19 Dec 2024



As an ADF registrar you have the same leave entitlements as any other AGPT registrar, as detailed in the AGPT Registrar Training Handbook. Any leave you wish to take during training must be agreed to and discussed with your ADF service, and with the practice if you are completing your civilian placement. This includes all occurrences of annual leave, sick leave, war leave and removal leave.

Any leave beyond two weeks of annual leave and one week sick or carer’s leave during each training term also requires approval from your regional ADF team.

ADF Service Leave - Category 3

You can apply for a special type of leave known as Category 3 – ADF Service Leave. Category 3 Leave can be used to:

  • take leave from the program to meet ADF service requirements (e.g. mandatory ADF postings, ADF courses), or
  • defer the commencement of your training to meet ADF service requirements (you can start the AGPT program on Category 3 Leave).

When applying for Category 3 Leave, you’ll need to include relevant supporting documentation, such as course enrolment instructions or your posting order, for review by your regional ADF team.

Category 3 Leave may also be accessed by ADF reservists for courses, exercises, and deployments.

For more information about leave, please refer to the Leave Policy.
