Australian Defence Force Registrars Guide AGPT Program

ADF activities recognised as GP and/or EST training time

Clinical courses and refresher training

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

Clinical courses and refresher training

ADF medical courses that have been pre-approved by the RACGP (see Appendix 1), and other individual courses and training approved on a case-by-case basis, may contribute towards GP and EST training terms as below:

  • GPT1, 2 and 3: up to a maximum limit of two weeks in each term.
  • EST: up to a maximum limit of 13 weeks.

To apply to have a course recognised as GP or EST term time, you must submit the ADF Placements, Courses and Deployments form. Please note that pre-approval is required before you start the course. Final approval will be obtained upon submission of documented evidence of satisfactory course completion.
