Find training program handbooks for registrars, training sites and supervisors, and guides on a range of training topics
These guidance documents apply to individual Fellowship pathway policies
When you applied for entry into the PEP SP, you were assessed as Substantially Comparable to an Australian trained specialist general practitioner at the point of admission to Fellowship.
The PEP SP on the PC stream is a self-directed and workplace-based program
The Practice Experience Program Specialist (PEP SP) is for Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs) who hold a recognised overseas general practice specialist qualification and wish to qualify for specialist registration in Australia and be awarded Fellowship of the RACGP (FRACGP) via the Medical Board of Australia’s (MBA) Specialist Pathway – specialist recognition.
This handbook includes the information you need to apply for and sit the PESCI.
This guide provides an outline the RACGP’s progressive assessment framework and the workplace-based assessment program.
This handbook will provide you with all the information relevant to Rural Generalist training.
There are two parts of the Assessments and Examinations Candidate Handbook
Guidelines for safe and effective general practice training utilising remote supervision
This guide has been developed so you can easily identify the specificities and points of difference that are relevant to ADF registrars.