Provost terms of reference

Page last updated 2 August 2023

1. RACGP provost terms of reference

1.1 Policy number: CO-O-069.1

1.2 Category: Organisational

1.3 Approval date: July 2018

1.4 Revision date: July 2021

1.5 Unit responsible: Office of the President and CEO

2. Policy declaration

This policy establishes the terms of reference for the RACGP Provosts, and the rules and administrative procedures relating to the role and appointment of this role.

This policy is approved by the RACGP Board and authorised by the CEO.

3. Background

The first RACGP Provost was appointed in 1956. The role is one of dignity and authority, and continues to be filled by experienced and respected Fellows. Provosts are senior statespersons for Faculties, advising and supporting the Faculties and their Faculty Council Chairs, and who represent the President within and external to the Faculty in the President’s absence.

4. Provosts

There shall be a Provost for each of the following:

  1. Victoria Faculty,
  2. NSW & ACT Faculty (2 positions, 1 NSW & 1 ACT),
  3. Tasmania Faculty,
  4. Queensland Faculty,
  5. South Australia & Northern Territory Faculty,
  6. Western Australia Faculty,
  7. National Faculty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health,
  8. National Rural Faculty, and
  9. National Faculty of Specific Interests.

5. Duties and responsibilities

5.1 Within their Faculty, the Provost is responsible for:

  1. playing a key role in providing counsel and advice to the Faculty Council and its Chair on RACGP matters and providing historical and institutional knowledge,
  2. acting as an RACGP advocate, internally and externally,
  3. presiding over ceremonial occasions within the Faculty, including the Annual Dinner and Academic Ceremonies when held, presenting Fellowship certificates and other prizes on the RACGP’s behalf, and
  4. chairing Faculty Member Meetings.

5.2 The Provost is expected to attend:

  1. each Faculty Council meeting, and
  2. all Provost meetings, by a means (including electronic) allowing all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other and interact.

6. Appointment

  1. The Faculty Council must by resolution nominate a Provost:
    1. at least one (1) month prior to the RACGP Annual General Meeting in which the current Provost is due to retire, or
    2. at any time the Faculty does not otherwise have a Provost.
  2. Despite clause 6.A, if no Faculty Council members are eligible or willing to be nominated, the Faculty Council may delay the Provost’s nomination until a suitable candidate can be identified. The Faculty Council may at any stage seek nominations from Faculty members.
  3. The Faculty Council must not nominate a person for Provost unless that person:
    1. is a Fellow, well regarded in the RACGP,
    2. has considerable experience dealing with RACGP matters, especially in education and training
    3. has served on the Faculty Council within the last 10 years,
    4. is willing and able to meet the role description as approved by the RACGP Board; and
    5. in the case of the National Faculty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, and with existing strong regional networks allowing them to promote the College at a regional level.
  1. The Provost’s nomination must promptly be communicated to the President for their approval. The Provost’s appointment is subject to that approval.
  2. A Provost appointed pursuant to clause 6.A.i commences on and from the close of the next Annual General Meeting following their Presidential approval and, subject to clause 6.J, holds office until the close of the second Annual General Meetings following their commencement at which point they must retire from office but, subject to clause 6.I, are eligible for re-nomination.
  3. A Provost appointed pursuant to clause 6.A.ii commences on and from their Presidential approval and serves out the term for the Provost they replaced, at which point they must retire from office, but are eligible for re-election. Any such period of Provost does not count for the purpose of clause 6.I.
  4. The Provost’s term should ordinarily overlap with that of their Faculty Council Chair by one year, and Provost nominations must occur in the alternate year to the ordinary election for their Faculty Coouncil Chair. This provision ignores any casual vacancy appointments (for both Provost and Faculty Council Chair offices).
  5. The Provost is an ex officio Faculty Council member in its own right. If the Provost was an elected Faculty Council member, upon election their previous office becomes vacant and the Faculty Council may fill it as a casual vacancy.
  6. A Provost cannot serve in that office for more than three (3) consecutive terms.
  7. A Provost may be removed by:
    1. Faculty Council resolution, or
    2. Presidential determination, and any contract of appointment must be subject to this provision.
  8. The replacement of a Provost should be conducted in an orderly manner so that there is a structured transition. Where a Provost retires before the date of reappointment a Fellow must be appointed promptly to fill the vacancy. An agreed ‘end of tenure’ point shall be in place for Provosts to ensure no loss of group knowledge ensues if all Provosts were to have the same end of tenure point.

6.1 Conduct generally

The Provosts shall convene and meet every other month via teleconference and one face to face meeting shall be held annually on the occasion of the RACGP annual conference. 

The RACGP must pay travel costs and conference registration for current Provosts.

6.2 Role of the Chair of the Provost group

The Provosts must determine from their number a chair who will serve for a one year term. The appointed chair will chair all meetings during their term.

6.3 Remuneration

The position of the Provost is not remunerated, but will receive assistance with approved travel costs.

6.4 Reporting

The Provost officially reports to the RACGP President, however must be responsive to their Faculty Council Chair.

6.5 Administrative support

Secretariat support will be provided for the Provost group by the State Faculties and rotated every 2 years.

7. Transition

To align with clause 6.G, Faculty Councils may upon commencement of this Policy resolve to extend a Provost’s term for a further year. Any such extension does not count for the purpose of clauses 6.E, 6.F or 6.I.

8. Administrative procedures

8.1 Review of this policy

This policy will have a review cycle of 3 years.

