1. Purpose
This Policy outlines the circumstances under which appeals may be taken against decisions of the Board.
2. Application
This policy applies to all Members of the RACGP. This policy does not apply to RACGP employees or contractors (Staff) unless Members.
This policy is to be read together with the Fellowship Policy, Terms of Reference of the Professional Standards Committee, Membership Code of Conduct and the RACGP Constitution, and in particular:
- Part 4 – Termination of Membership.
3. Appeals
3.1 Misconduct
Any Member the subject of a Board decision under clause 27 of the RACGP Constitution or a Committee decision under clause 28(b) of the RACGP Constitution can only appeal the decision in accordance with clauses 6.2 – 6.11 of the Membership Code of Conduct or section 5.1 of the Fellowship Policy.
Where a Member appeals a decision in accordance with clauses 6.2 – 6.11 of the Membership Code of Conduct or section 5.1 of the Fellowship Policy, the original decision maker for the purposes of that appeal becomes the Board or the Committee referred to above. All references to the Professional Standards Committee in clauses 6.2 – 6.11 of the Membership Code of Conduct or section 5.1 of the Fellowship Policy are to be read as references to the original decision maker.
3.2 Other Decisions of the Board
Any member the subject of a Board decision other than:
- under clause 27 of the RACGP Constitution; or
- a committee decision under clause 28(b) of the RACGP Constitution;
can only appeal the decision in accordance with an appeal process (if any) specified in an applicable RACGP policy under which the decision is made.
3.3 Further Appeals
There are no further appeals. Any decision on an appeal is final.
4. Amendment of this Policy
The Board may make amendments to this Policy at any time.
5. Responsibilities
Responsible for approval of policy and amendments.
6. Glossary
means any Committee established by the Board or the CEO of the RACGP or any Committee of the College referred to in clause 28(b) of the RACGP Constitution.
means a member under clause 110(a)(xxi) of the RACGP Constitution.
7. Related Documents, Legislation and Policies
Fellowship Policy
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law
Membership Code of Conduct
RACGP Constitution
Terms of Reference of the Professional Standards Committee
8. Policy Review and Currency
This policy will be reviewed every three years from the last approval date, or when there is a significant change in the intent of the policy.
Version History
Release Notice
Date of effect
Amendment details
Amended by
Initial release
Policy owner:
Approved by:
Approved on:
18 Aug 2022
Next Review Due:
Aug 2025