Academic dress

1. Title: RACGP academic dress policy

1.1 Policy number: CO-O-036.0

1.2 Category: Organisational

1.3 Approval date: August 2009

1.4 Revision date: August 2012

1.5 Unit responsible: Chief Executive Officer

2. Policy declaration

This policy provides for the College Board to prescribe the academic dress to be worn by members and RACGP Board Office Bearers of the College and the occasions on which such dress must be worn.

This policy is approved by the RACGP Board and endorsed by the CEO.

3. Background

Academic dress provides recognition to members of their academic and clinical achievements, and provides a heightened sense of occasion to official College functions, such as graduation ceremonies.

3.1 Objectives

The objective of this policy is to give guidance on the proper use of academic dress by those entitled to wear it.

3.2 Specific aims

The specific aims of this policy are to describe:

a. the occasions on which academic dress is to be worn;

b. the prescribed style of College academic dress;

c. the provision of academic dress to members, graduands and staff of the College; and

d. the maintenance of the College’s academic dress

3.3 Definitions

“Academic dress” is the College regalia.

“President”, “President-Elect” and “Censor in Chief” are RACGP Board office bearers as defined in the Constitution.

“Fellowship”, “Membership” and “Associateship” are categories of membership of the College as defined in the Constitution, and “Fellow”, “Member” and “Associate” have the corresponding meanings.

4. Body of policy

Academic Dress is to be worn by members of the College according to this policy when attending public occasions convened for academic purposes and on such other occasions as the RACGP Board may appoint.

Academic dress is to be worn over a lounge suit or formal evening attire, or a military or police or other official uniform.

4.1 Academic Dress of Fellowship

The academic dress for Fellows shall be the accustomed robes of that office comprising a blue gown with a scarlet collar and scarlet facing and borders on the sleeves.

4.2 Academic Dress of Membership

The academic dress for Members shall be a blue gown with a scarlet collar and scarlet facing.

4.3 No Academic Dress of Associateship

There is no academic dress for Associates.

4.4 President and President Elect

The academic dress for the President and the President Elect shall be:

a. the academic dress for Fellowship; and

b. an optional blue Tudor bonnet with a red

The President wears the President’s chains of office, or the President’s medal of office.

4.5 Past President

The academic dress for a Past President shall be:

a. the academic dress for Fellowship; and

b. an embroidered emblem of the coat of arms of the College on the left facing of the gown.

4.6 Censor-in-Chief

The academic dress for the Censor-in-Chief shall be:

a. the academic dress for Fellowship; and

b. an optional blue Tudor bonnet with a blue cord and a red

5. Occasions on which academic dress is to be worn

5.1 Academic dress is to be worn at College Fellowship Ceremonies or at a ceremony of another College at which a member of staff is representing the College

5.2 Academic dress may be worn at occasions such as:

a. official activities of the RACGP

b. academic ceremonies of other educational institutions, particularly other medical colleges

c. official government or vice-regal ceremonies

6. The maintenance of the college's academic dress stock

6.1 The College’s Academic Dress stock is to be held in a secure

6.2 The College will ensure that:

a. adequate supplies are available for each RACGP Fellowship ceremony;

b. prescribed academic address is available for all Fellows, members, RACGP Board Office Bearers and staff members participating; and;

c. the stock is repaired and dry cleaned after each round of ceremonies

7. Procedures

This policy has a review cycle of three years.

