Why did the RACGP make this change?
We've listened to our members' feedback and are moving to a national selection assessment that is flexible and will allow applicants to sit the assessment from anywhere.
What is a Situational Judgement Test?
Situational judgement tests (SJTs) are a recognised assessment method and have been used widely across selection into graduate medical and postgraduate medical specialisation programs. SJTs test non-academic attributes such as professionalism, communication skills and decision-making abilities. The use of SJTs in medical selection is well supported and backed by a robust evidence base.
In the SJT, applicants are presented with hypothetical scenarios reflective of situations that they are likely to face. The assessment focuses on determining the candidate's suitability for GP training by assessing communication skills, professional attitudes and ethics, self-awareness and adaptability.
Some scenarios will require a typed response and some will require you to record a video response.
Will I need to sit the SJT?
Yes, all applicants to the AGPT program will be required to sit the SJT. A variety of dates/times will be provided to allow you to pre-select a date and time within the assessment window that suits you.
When do I sit the SJT?
For the 2026 AGPT first intake, the SJT will be held on multiple dates and times in May 2025. Exact dates and times will be available in early 2025.
Do I need to travel to sit the SJT?
No, the test is an online assessment that can be sat from anywhere, within Australia or internationally. You will need access to a computer with video and audio capabilities and reliable internet.
How do I prepare for the SJT?
Practice tests and resources will be available on this webpage in early 2025. Completing the practice tests will assist you to become familiar with the test format and response times. You don’t need to study for the test as it is not a knowledge-based assessment.
Is there a cost to sit the assessment?
Yes. After you have received your eligibility outcome, you’ll be asked to book in you preferred SJT date and pay a selection fee of $190. If you are offered an accept a place on the AGPT Program, you’ll also be required to pay a $500 application fee. Combined, these fees are less than previous years.