About AGPT

About the Australian General Practice Training Program

About AGPT

About the Australian General Practice Training Program

We’ve made some exciting changes to application and selection for the 2026 AGPT Program. Find out more here.

What is the AGPT Program?

The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program is the most common training pathway for doctors seeking to specialise as general practitioner (GP) in Australia. It is an Australian Government-funded three-year, full-time (or part-time equivalent) program, with an optional additional Rural Generalist training year.

As an AGPT GP registrar, you’ll train in safe and supported training environments, with dedicated supervisors in accredited training facilities. You’ll enjoy education, mentoring and oversight from local medical educators and RACGP team members.

After completing the AGPT program, you can work unsupervised as a GP anywhere in the country.

AGPT duration and structure

AGPT training takes place in over three to four years and involves a combination of hospital-based, general practice community and non-general practice community training.  During this time, you’ll have opportunities to pursue an extensive variety of special interests. A typical training pathway may look like this:

Year 1:

12 months hospital terms 

Years 2-3:

  • 18 months GP community-based terms (3 x 6month terms)

  • 6 month extended skills term in either a hospital, community GP or community non-GP setting.)

Year 4 (optional):

Rural generalist additional rural skills training. This training can be undertaken anytime in training after your hospital year.

You may be able to reduce your time on the AGPT Program if you have suitable hospital-based experience that can be used towards your training. The AGPT Program provides a range opportunities to train part-time and you can pursue a number of special interests. Generally, the program cannot be deferred or commenced on leave. Maternity leave, sick leave and leave for Australian Defence Force registrars on deployment are examples of some exceptions.

Please see the AGPT Program Handbook for more detailed information about training on the AGPT program.

Australian Defence Force (ADF) doctors
We understand that ADF doctors require flexibility during training. That’s why we have dedicated team members to support ADF GP registrars. We encourage ADF doctors to contact us to discuss your needs and how we can help. 

Get the AGPT Program Guide
Thinking about becoming a GP? Download a copy of our AGPT Program Guide for more information about the AGPT Program, including hospital training and readiness for community general practice training, recognition of prior learning and experience, the selection process and training locations.

Training support

GP career and application support

P: 1800 472 247
E: becomeagp@racgp.org.au