Standard 1 - The registrar is suitable and ready to commence in a general practice training program
1.1 Training program details are clear, transparent, and accessible
1.1.1 Details about the training program are publicly available
1.1.2 Requirements for eligibility into the training program, including any exemptions, are clearly communicated to the candidate prior to selection
1.2 The process for selection ensures that selected candidates are supported, eligible and have the competencies required to commence training
1.2.1 The selection process is in accordance with national and international standards for post-graduate training
1.2.2 The selection process is clear, transparent and accessible
1.2.3 Selection is based on the expected RACGP competencies at the point of commencement including the professional attributes expected of a doctor entering general practice training
1.2.4 Selection supports access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors to train in general practice
1.2.5 Selection supports access for candidates to train in areas of workforce need
1.3 The registrar is ready to commence training
1.3.1 The registrar demonstrates eligibility to commence training
1.3.2 The registrar demonstrates achievement of the required competencies, including the essential safety requirements, before commencing at a general practice training site
1.3.3 Assessment of the registrar’s competence and suitability for commencing training informs the selected registrar’s training plans
Standard 2 - The clinical experience supports the development of the registrar
2.1 The registrar experiences the breadth and depth of Australian general practice
2.1.1 The registrar accesses a broad range of relevant experiences defined by the RACGP Curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice
2.1.2 The registrar is exposed to a range of different practice models
2.1.3 The registrar has fair and equitable access to training sites
2.1.4 The registrar participates fully in the operations and scope of the practice in which they are located
2.2 The registrar undertakes supervised clinical practice in accredited training sites that provide a high-quality training environment
2.2.1 Training sites are accredited clinically and for training by the appropriate agency
2.2.2 Supervisors are suitably qualified for their role
2.2.3 Training sites and supervisors adhere to the RACGP training standards
2.2.4 Training sites value learners, supervisors and educators
2.2.5 Training sites are adequately resourced
2.2.6 Training sites and supervisors provide best practice clinical care
2.2.7 Supervisors undertake professional development relevant to their role
2.2.8 The needs of various learners within the training site are appropriately managed
2.3 The training needs of the registrar are supported by their training sites
2.3.1 The registrar receives orientation to the training site
2.3.2 An assessment of competence occurs at commencement in each training site
2.3.3 The registrar is always supervised during training using a model of supervision that is developed and matched to the registrar’s assessed competency
2.3.4 There is a process for developing, reviewing and adjusting the model of supervision appropriate to the needs of the registrar in the context of the practice
2.3.5 The registrar is able to ask for and receive timely assistance in all clinical situations
2.3.6 Workload is appropriate to stage of training, the context and the competency of the registrar
2.3.7 Policies and procedures are in place that address patient and registrar safety in the practice
2.3.8 Practices meet their legislative requirements for the employment of the registrar
2.3.9 Registrar stress and fatigue is identified, acknowledged and addressed
2.3.10 Actual and potential conflicts of interest are identified and managed
2.3.11 Adverse events (including critical incidents) are identified and managed
2.4 Practices and supervisors are supported to deliver training
2.4.1 Supervisors are provided professional development opportunities relevant to their role
2.4.2 Supervisors and the practice receive regular feedback about the training site
2.4.3 Monitoring and accreditation processes ensure quality assurance and are fair, transparent and consistent
2.4.4. Accreditation processes encourage quality improvement
2.4.5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural advisors and/or medical educators are involved in accreditation process where relevant
2.4.6 Practices and supervisors are supported when concerns arise
2.4.7 Processes for the placing of conditions on practices and/or supervisors or for deaccreditation are clear and transparent
2.4.8 There are documented reconsideration and appeals processes available for practices and supervisors
Standard 3 - The education program maximises registrar learning
3.1 An education program relevant to Australian general practice is delivered
3.1.1 The education program is clearly mapped against the RACGP Curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice
3.1.2 Priority areas are embedded in the education program
3.1.3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educational imperatives are met
3.2 The education program is current and based on educational best practice
3.2.1 Registrar learning activities and the teaching strategies used are appropriate to registrar needs, stage of training and training context
3.2.2 A variety of teaching, learning and assessment methods are used to achieve the intended educational outcomes
3.2.3 The registrar has access to regular, structured and planned teaching time
3.2.4 The educational program is planned, delivered, monitored and evaluated by an education team that is skilled, experienced and adequately supported
3.3 The education program prioritises safety
3.3.1 The learning environment protects the registrar’s physical, psychological and cultural safety
3.3.2 The learning environment protects patient safety
3.4 The registrar develops research literacy skills
3.4.1 The program includes education about research relevant to general practice
3.4.2 Registrars have opportunities to participate in research during training
Standard 4 - A program of assessment promotes, records and informs registrar performance
4.1 The approach to assessment is clearly defined
4.1.1 Assessment policies and procedures are readily available
4.1.2 Registrars are informed of the assessment and progression requirements of the program
4.1.3 Assessors are competent in assessment
4.1.4 Assessors identify and manage conflicts of interest
4.2 Assessment methods are fit for purpose
4.2.1 The program of assessment is blueprinted to the RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice and the Progressive capability profile of the general practitioner
4.2.2 The assessment methods are appropriate to the stage and context of the training
4.2.3 Assessment must focus on performance in practice
4.2.4 Criteria against which the registrar is assessed are clear, measurable, equitable and transparent
4.2.5 The program is regularly reviewed
4.3 The program of assessment is used to improve performance
4.3.1 The registrar’s progress is documented, monitored, regularly assessed and readily available to the registrar and the training program
4.3.2 Self-reflection is promoted, and assessment of progress is used to plan the registrar’s ongoing training
4.3.3 Registrars receive timely, constructive feedback which is used to improve performance
4.3.4 The registrar has access to exam support
4.4 Underperforming registrars are identified, supported, and managed
4.4.1 Underperformance or other concerns are identified and managed early
4.4.2 Processes are in place to support registrars in remediating underperformance
4.4.3 Educational interventions to improve performance are clear
4.4.4 The outcomes of educational interventions are reviewed regularly
4.4.5 Relevant regulators, the RACGP and other relevant organisations and individuals are advised where safety is of concern
Standard 5 - The training program is supported by robust governance
5.1 The governance structure is appropriate, transparent and accessible
5.1.1 There is a documented model of training that provides direction for the program
5.1.2 The training model is reviewed and updated in relation to evolving needs and best practice
5.1.3 The governance structure ensures there are mechanisms in place for managing program authority, accountability and responsibility for decision making
5.2 Stakeholders are engaged in the development and delivery of the training program
5.2.1 Stakeholders participate in the planning process
5.2.2 Stakeholders contribute to the delivery of the training program
5.2.3 Effective communication occurs to facilitate effective program delivery
5.3 Systems and processes support the training program and the registrar
5.3.1 The systems and processes used to keep records, deliver training and monitor the progress of the registrar are up-to-date and secure
5.3.2 There are policies and procedures for the identification, mitigation and management of risks
5.3.3 The quality management system enhances stakeholder satisfaction and is regularly reviewed
5.3.4 Reporting requirements are complied with
5.4 A program of evaluation is embedded and informs program improvement
5.4.1 There is a formal review and quality improvement process to which stakeholders contribute
5.4.2 Data is collected and used to improve education program quality
5.4.3 A culture of feedback is established
5.4.4 Quality improvements are identified and implemented as a result of the review process
5.4.5 Outcomes of evaluation are communicated to those involved in the program
Standard 6 – The training program is accountable to the Australian community
6.1 The context and needs of communities are addressed
6.1.1 Training design and delivery is appropriate to the context in which it is delivered
6.1.2 Areas of need are identified and addressed.
6.1.3 A clearly stated approach to the recruitment of suitable training sites is communicated
6.2 The program works collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to support the health of their people and communities
6.2.1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are involved in the design, delivery, assessment and evaluation of education related to holistic, person-centred healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
6.2.2 Registrars, supervisors and practice staff participate in cultural safety training
6.2.3 Registrars have access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural educators and mentors
6.2.4 The program has measures in place to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GPs
Standard 7 - The training program provides pastoral support
7.1 The program supports the registrar and problems are effectively addressed
7.1.1 The registrar is able to ask for and receive timely assistance about their training program
7.1.2 Registrar concerns regarding their program are appropriately addressed
7.1.3 There are documented dispute, reconsideration and appeals policies and processes in place that are transparent, accessible and follow best practice guidelines
7.1.4 Discrimination (including racism), bullying and harassment is addressed in policies of the training program and within the training site with processes for reporting and addressing issues clearly available
7.1.5 Registrars are treated equitably with policies and processes related to diversity, equity and inclusion
7.1.6 Adverse events (including critical incidents) are appropriately managed and resolved
7.1.7 Support is in place to ensure registrar wellbeing
7.1.8 Registrars from vulnerable populations are supported
7.1.9 Registrars have access to career advice
7.1.10 The training program structure accommodates flexible working and study arrangements
7.2 Staff delivering the program are supported
7.2.1 Cultural safety for staff is maintained
7.2.2 There are transparent and documented policies and procedures including those related to a safe working environment
7.2.3 Equity and access are embedded in policies and procedures
7.2.4 Staff roles and responsibilities are clearly defined
7.2.5 Staff receive induction
7.2.6 Staff have access to professional development to support their role
7.2.7 Support services are available for staff under stress
Standard 8 - The registrar completes the training program and is eligible to apply for Fellowship
8.1 The registrar is competent to commence working as an unsupervised specialist GP in Australia having met RACGP requirements for Fellowship
8.1.1 The registrar has demonstrated satisfactory completion of the educational and training requirements of the training program
8.1.2 The registrar has successfully completed all assessments
8.1.3 The registrar has demonstrated the professional behaviour expected by the RACGP and the public of a GP practising in Australia