RACGP Standards for general practice training (4th edition)

Standard 6. Program accountability

Last revised: 10 Apr 2024

Standard 6 | The training program is accountable to the Australian community 

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General practice education is largely experience-based and occurs in the context of providing health care to the Australian community. The training program has responsibilities to the community including: 

  • Registrars are trained to the level of providing competent healthcare to the Australian population (see Standard 8). 
  • Registrars are suitably supervised and provide safe healthcare during their training (see Standard 2). 
  • Registrar training includes a consideration of the health care needs of the Australian community and how to reduce health disparities in the community. 
  • Registrars have the opportunity to work in and develop the skills to provide quality healthcare in a variety of communities, particularly communities where there is inequitable access to primary health care. 
  • Registrars demonstrate a level of cultural competence to be expected of any medical practitioner as described by the Medical Board of Australia’s Good medical practice: a code of conduct for doctors in Australia.1   

The training model addresses community health needs with its curriculum, and through selection and processes for training site selection.2 Building training capacity in areas of need will be influenced by workforce need as well as other considerations such as registrar wellbeing, interests and opportunities. Meeting the needs of rural and remote communities is a particular challenge that could be addressed by having appropriate training sites as well as opportunities to develop the skills required to work in rural and remote areas.   

The program has a responsibility to train registrars to be skilled GPs and to address health inequities. As a skilled GP, it is important to respect, to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to provide culturally safe practice.3 For registrar training, this may be through ensuring the program is culturally safe and that appropriate training is provided. In addition, there should be consideration of opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors to train as GPs and to be supported in their training.      

Outcome 6.1 The context and needs of communities are addressed


6.1.1 Training design and delivery is appropriate to the context in which it is delivered 

6.1.2 Areas of need are identified and addressed  

6.1.3 A clearly stated approach to the recruitment of suitable training sites is communicated  


The training program must provide evidence of how context influences program delivery and design.  

There must be an approach to how areas of need are identified and addressed. For example, there could be a focus on health inequity in educational content. It may be that workforce drivers influence training site availability and recruitment as well as practice demographics, or specific sites that provide targeted learning opportunities for registrars (e.g., ARST, extended skills (ES), AMS or ACCHOs). 

The approach to practice recruitment that includes a reflection of fairness, accountability, and how training and social/workforce priorities are addressed, must be described. This includes a consideration of how the approach to practice recruitment is communicated to supervisors, practices and registrars. 

Outcome 6.2 The program works collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to support the health of their people and communities 


6.2.1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are involved in the design, delivery, assessment and evaluation of education related to holistic, person-centred healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples  

6.2.2 Registrars, supervisors and practice staff participate in cultural safety training  

6.2.3 Registrars have access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural educators and mentors 

6.2.4 The program has measures in place to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GPs


The RACGP is committed to improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Part of this is to prioritise working collaboratively and effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to support the health of their peoples and communities in a way that is culturally safe and optimises their health outcomes.5 There is also a commitment to growing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GP workforce.6   

The training program could do this by: 

  • Embedding considerations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, history and culture into all educational programs, assessments and resources. 
  • Facilitating access to cultural training for registrars, supervisors, practice staff, medical educators and other program staff to increase cultural responsiveness. 
  • Providing opportunities for registrars to identify as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. 
  • Providing registrars, supervisors and medical educators access to cultural educators and mentors.  
  • Involving appropriate and relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and stakeholders in program development, program governance and program delivery. 
  • Demonstrating an approach to the support of doctors who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander to enable them to train as GPs. Some of these measures may be covered by other outcomes, specifically: 
    • Selection – Criterion 1.2.4 
    • Educational - Criteria 3.1.3 and 6.2.1  
    • Exam support - Criterion 4.3.4 
    • Stakeholder involvement - Outcome 5.2 
    • Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander registrars - Criterion 7.1.8 

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and health training framework  

RACGP - Placement Policy 

RACGP - Training Program Requirements Policy 

RACGP Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 

  • Expression of interest forms, processes and policies in relation to practice  
  • Details of cultural safety training 
  • Governance structure 
  • Program content and mapping 

This information is currently under development and will be made available for each training program ahead of implementation in 2025. 

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