RACGP review of the October exam cancellations

14/01/2021 Written by Jess Daly

This article is over 2 years old

RACGP review of the October exam cancellations

In October 2020, the RACGP’s Applied Knowledge Test and Key Feature Problem exam were cancelled after candidates were unable to complete – or in some cases, start – their exams. The technical reports from the service provider, Genix, found that the invigilation camera streaming software was unable to cater for the number of candidates sitting the exam at the same time. 

Issues relating to the streaming software were identified in the mock exams and further testing was conducted.  Unfortunately, the testing did not resolve the core technical issues.
We moved quickly to authorise refunds and free examination resits for affected members and to commission an internal review of the exam cancellation.

The review was undertaken by two staff members with legal, audit and business analysis expertise, who were not involved in any way with Genix or the exams.

The reviewers collated information to distil out key themes and identify opportunities for process improvement across the college, and key staff were interviewed.  Ultimately, the review made 10 valuable improvement recommendations relating to RACGP’s project management, contract management and procurement.  The RACGP Board commended the review, and will be tracking progress and completion of actions arising from the recommendations.

A resit of the 2020.2 KFP and AKT ran smoothly, with over 1300 candidates sitting in 55 venues across the country on Friday and Saturday 4 and 5 December.

In further positive news, the inaugural Remote Clinical Exam also went off without a hitch.

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