What's new

Page last updated 29 November 2024

What's happening in the library

Below are links and guides to new resources, upcoming webinars, articles of current interest, holiday closures and alerts of disruption.
If you are experiencing an issue accessing any of the library’s resources, please contact the Library on (03) 8699 0519 or email library@racgp.org.au.


AccessWorldMed – a new resource where you will find ebooks from the Murtagh Collection




One of the library’s key resources, the Murtagh Collection, is now part of a new more comprehensive resource, AccessWorldMed, which is available for member access. AccessWorldMed has the world-renowned Murtagh texts and case materials at its core but there are also a number of other useful resources, including:

  • A growing number of Australasian texts covering a range of specialties
  • A collection of procedural videos
  • Diagnostic flashcards
  • Q&As and other learning resources.

All the ebooks included in AccessWorldMed are the latest available editions.

Find out more about AccessWorldMed in the library’s eBook user guide – here you will find a useful user guide which describes the content and features of AccessWorldMed and steps you through the search options, downloading content, setting up a MyAccess Profile, and how to use various platform tools.

AccessWorldMed is a member-only resource (RACGP website login required).


ProQuest Health & Medical Collection now available




Following a successful trial of the ProQuest Health & Medical Collection a subscription has been taken out for 2023 for Members to access this scholarly database providing access to full text articles from hundreds of biomedical and health related journals. Please go to our Database user guide for more information and to access the Collection.


Springer Medicine ebooks Collection now available




Following a successful trial of the Springer Medicine ebooks, a subscription has been taken out for 2023 for Members to access this large collection of latest edition ebooks. Please go to our ebooks user guide for more information on the Springer Medicine ebooks and to access the collection.






New resources:



Access Every doctor here.

The second edition of Every doctor: Healthier doctors = healthier patients by Leanne Rowe , Vitangi Abeygunawardana and Michael (CRC Press, 2023) has recently been added to the library’s EBC ebook collection.

This new edition advocates for a transformational change in the way doctors protect their mental health, look out for their colleagues, co-create a kinder, more humane work culture and lead health system reform. With poignant and hopeful stories and quotes from a diverse array of doctors from many different specialities and at all career stages, the book is a celebration of the growing global interconnectedness and the changing face of the medical profession.



Access The thriving doctor here.

A new EBC ebook recently added to the library’s collection is: The thriving doctor: How to be more balanced and fulfilled working in medicine by Psychologist Sharee Johnson (Hambone Publishing 2021) . The author’s hope for the Thriving doctor is that it will help doctors to take better care of themselves first – only then can they really provide excellent care to patients, and that doctors will use it to build and enhance their intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.



Access The John Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics here.

A new ebook recently added to the library’s EBC collection is: The John Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics by Betty Chou ( 6th edition. Wolters Kluwer Health., 2020).

This manual is a trusted reference for most issues you will encounter in obstetrics, gynaecology, reproductive endocrinology, infertility, and gynaecologic oncology.

The updated 6th edition contains thoroughly revised information gleaned from the collective expertise of residents and attending physicians at the John Hopkins University.



Access the handbook  here.

A new ebook recently added to the library’s EBC collection is The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne paediatric handbook (10th edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 2021). 
The  Paediatric handbook is a trusted guide to managing common and serious childhood illnesses and disorders. Now in its tenth edition (2021), the handbook features clear illustrations and evidence-based diagnostic and management algorithms throughout.





Articles of interest:



Access the full article here.

International medical graduates (IMGs) have a higher rate of examination failure and are more likely to be referred to the regulator for professional performance issues than their UK-trained counterparts. Support for IMGs to reduce differential attainment takes many forms. A pilot study to assess the feasibility and utility of early intervention to increase the support available for IMGs entering general practice (GP) training was undertaken.
The coaching was valued by the trainees and the intervention allowed very early identification of a trainee who needed further support. It was possible to identify such trainees using a non-medical volunteer student coach.
Fiona Tilsed et al.  Linguistic coaching: a pilot study of one-to-one near-peer coaching for international GP trainees in Yorkshire, Education for Primary Care 2023 34(1):31-39 [Taylor & Francis Collection]  DOI: 10.1080/14739879.2022.2153750



Access the full article here.

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, the premature burden of cardiovascular disease is affecting their capacity to fulfil roles in society, and promote the health and wellbeing of future generations. In Australia, there is limited understanding of the difference in primary preventive cardiovascular care experienced by women, despite knowledge of sex and gender differentials in health profile and receipt of guideline-based acute care. This paper explores the health profile and receipt of assessment and management of cardiovascular risk for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women accessing preventive primary health care, and investigate gender differentials. The research concluded that gaps exist in the provision and recording of guideline-recommended primary preventive care regardless of sex. In: McBride K, Howard NJ; Franks C et al. Providing guideline-recommended preventive cardiovascular care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: exploring gender differences with a medical record review in primary health care. Aust J Prim Care 2022;28(6):498-507.[ProQuest Health Medical]


Webinars and presentations:



Decision Support with DynaMed (webinar rcording: 30 minutes)
Find out how to use DynaMed to support your decision making during consults. Watch a recording of an informative public zoom webinar session  (presented by Rachele Low from EBSCO) from 6 November 2023
at 12 pm AEDT.

Access the webinar here.

RACGP John Murtagh Library

100 Wellington Parade,
East Melbourne, Vic 3002

Phone: (03)8699 0519 |   Fax: (03)8699 0400 |   library@racgp.org.au

