Managing COVID-19 at home

What can I do to take care of my mental health and wellbeing?

Getting a positive COVID-19 result can be stressful.

Speak to your GP, nurse or usual healthcare provider if your mental health worsens or if you have any concerns. They are there to support your physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Here are some ways you can look after your mental health during this time:
  • Keep in touch with friends, family and community. Maintain contact with loved ones via telephone, email and social media, or by using video technologies, such as WhatsApp and Zoom.
  • Contact local community and religious organisations. These organisations can provide support services, especially if you are socially isolated.
  • Develop or maintain a daily routine. This could include showering and getting dressed each day, having regular mealtimes and exercising (within your home or garden). It is important not to lie in bed all day.
  • Learn more about COVID-19 from trustworthy and credible sources.Understanding more about the virus might help you feel less anxious.
  • Use the time to do new things. Time in isolation can provide an opportunity to try activities, such as craft, drawing or reading. Try to avoid being in front of a computer or phone screen all day.
  • Spend time outdoors. If you have a private courtyard, balcony or garden, spend some time there each day to get some fresh air.

You can also access mental health services, including:

  • Head to Health – provides links to trusted Australian mental health online and phone supports, resources and treatment options. This useful website also has online programs and forums, as well as a range of digital information resources
  • healthdirect – provides information on maintaining your wellbeing when isolating, and links to mental health supports
  • Kids Helpline – provides resources on mental health for children during isolation
  • resources in many languages, which have been developed by the Transcultural Mental Health Centre
  • in-language support through the National Coronavirus Helpline by calling 1800 020 080 and choosing the option for translation services
  • 1800RESPECT by phone or web chat, when it is safe to do so, if you are experiencing domestic violence. 1800RESPECT is available 24 hours/seven days a week, and can provide you with confidential support, counselling and information.
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