Home-care guidelines for patients with COVID-19
Patients, other household members and caregivers should be advised to contact the patient’s GP or hospital-led service via telephone for advice if symptoms worsen or there are any red flag symptoms (refer to Box 3). It would be helpful to give patients written information about symptoms to watch out for. If the GP is not immediately available, they must call emergency services on 000 and clearly communicate the patient’s COVID-19 status to the phone operator. The ambulance crew must be aware of the patient’s COVID-19 status and will relay this to the receiving emergency department.
Transfer to hospital is recommended if the patient develops symptoms or signs suggestive of moderate or severe COVID-19, such as:
If a patient with minimal or mild symptoms shows signs of deterioration, particularly breathlessness, without the above signs:
When patients are being cared for in the community by GPs, GPs, the patient and the patient’s family/supports can escalate care to ambulance or hospital if they have any concerns, regardless of whether they meet the criteria outlined above.