Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice
The definitions of the levels of evidence and grades of recommendation in this handbook are provided here. For further explanation of how to use these recommendations, refer to ‘How to use this handbook’.
Table 1. Criteria for assigning levels of evidence to published studies
Studies of diagnosis
Level 1
Independent interpretation of test results (without knowledge of the result of the diagnostic or gold standard)
Independent interpretation of the diagnostic standard (without knowledge of the test result)
Selection of people suspected (but not known) to have the disorder
Reproducible description of both the test and diagnostic standard
At least 50 patients with and 50 patients without the disorder
Level 2
Meets four of the Level 1 criteria
Level 3
Meets three of the Level 1 criteria
Level 4
Meets one of the Level 1 criteria
Studies of treatment and prevention
Level 1A
Systematic overview or meta-analysis of high-quality RCTs
Appropriately designed RCT with adequate power to answer the question posed by the investigators
Level 1B
Non-randomised clinical trial or cohort study with indisputable results
RCT or systematic overview that does not meet Level 1 criteria
Non-randomised clinical trial or cohort study; systematic overview or meta-analysis of Level 3 studies
Studies of prognosis
Meets criterion (a) above, plus three of the other four criteria
Meets criterion (a) above, plus two of the other criteria
Meets criterion (a) above, plus one of the other criteria
*In cases where such blinding was not possible or was impractical (eg intensive versus conventional insulin therapy), the blinding of individuals who assessed and adjudicated study outcomes was felt to be sufficient.
RCT, randomised controlled trial.
Source: Adapted from Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committee. Diabetes Canada 2018 clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes in Canada. Can J Diabetes 2018;42(Suppl 1):S1–S326.
Table 2. Criteria for assigning grades of recommendations for clinical practice
Grade A
The best evidence was at Level 1
Grade B
The best evidence was at Level 2
Grade C
The best evidence was at Level 3
Grade D
The best evidence was at Level 4 or consensus
Table 3. ADA evidence-grading system for Standards of care in diabetes
Level of evidence
Clear evidence from well-conducted, generalisable RCTs that are adequately powered, including:
Supportive evidence from well-conducted RCTs that are adequately powered, including:
Supportive evidence from well-conducted cohort studies, including:
Supportive evidence from a well-conducted case-control study
Supportive evidence from poorly controlled or uncontrolled studies, including:
Expert consensus or clinical experience
Source: Adapted from American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. Introduction and methodology: Standards of care in diabetes – 2024. Diabetes Care 2024;47(Suppl_1):S1–S4.
RCTs, randomised controlled trials.
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Type-2-diabetes-sick-day-management-plan-template.pdf (PDF 0.21 MB)