Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice

Lifestyle interventions for the management of type 2 diabetes

Smoking cessation

Lifestyle interventions for the management of type 2 diabetes | Smoking cessation




Recommended as of:

All people who smoke should be offered brief advice and medications to quit smoking 

Recommended (Strong) 


Smoking is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in men and women,2 and smoking negatively affects glycaemic management (eg smokers with type 2 diabetes need larger doses of insulin to achieve glycaemic targets similar to that of those who do not smoke).3 

People with diabetes who smoke also further increase their risk of cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and neuropathy (and progression of neuropathy). Smoking also increases the risks associated with surgery.1 

The importance of smoking cessation in those with, or at risk of, type 2 diabetes cannot be overstated. 

In the absence of contraindications, smokers who have evidence of nicotine dependence should be offered pharmacotherapy, along with behavioural support, if they are motivated to stop smoking. The choice of pharmacotherapy is based on efficacy, clinical suitability and patient choice.1 

Guidelines for smoking cessation and a pharmacotherapy treatment algorithm are available in the RACGP’s Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 

The following organisations provide resources and strategies for smoking cessation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: 

Specific support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is also provided by Quitline. 

Refer to ‘Chapter 2.4: Smoking’ in the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation–Royal Australian College of General Practitioners National guide to preventive healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

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