Identifying GDM
Identifying women at risk of GDM, or who have previously undetected hyperglycaemia, enables the GP to advise women appropriately on risk minimisation and provide support and treatment. Hyperglycaemia is increasing in pregnancy parallel to rising rates of diabetes and obesity. Of women giving birth in 2015–16, approximately 15% were diagnosed with GDM.13
Australian clinical guidelines for care during pregnancy recommend that women who are at risk of hyperglycaemia, including GDM (Box 1), are tested in the first trimester of pregnancy (10–14 weeks gestation and up to 20 weeks gestation).2 Women tested in the first trimester of pregnancy who have a normal test result should be advised to retest between 24 and 28 weeks gestation.2
All pregnant women (without diabetes) should be advised to undergo testing for hyperglycaemia between 24 and 28 weeks gestation.2
Discussion to inform a woman’s decision making about testing for hyperglycaemia should take place before testing.
Box 1. Identifying women at risk of gestational diabetes3,14,15
The following are risk factors for gestational diabetes (GDM)
Moderate risk factors for GDM
- Ethnicity: Asian, Indian subcontinent, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Pacific Islander, Māori, Middle Eastern, non‐White African
- Body mass index (BMI) 25–35 kg/m2
Women with either ethnicity or a BMI of 25–35 kg/m2 as their only risk factor should be considered as being at ‘moderate risk’ and should initially be screened with either a random or a fasting glucose test in early pregnancy, followed by a pregnancy oral glucose tolerance test if clinically indicated. The thresholds for further action are not clear at present and clinical judgement should be exercised.
High risk factors for GDM
- Previous GDM
- Previously elevated blood glucose level
- Maternal age ≥40 years
- Family history of diabetes (first-degree relative with diabetes or a sister with GDM)
- BMI >35 kg/m2
- Previous macrosomia (baby with a birth weight >4500 g or >90th centile)
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Medications: corticosteroids, antipsychotics
Diagnosing GDM
Diagnostic criteria for GDM are presented in Box 2. HbA1c is not recommended to test for GDM due to a lack of sensitivity.2
At present there are limited data demonstrating clinical benefit for women identified by the changed screening criteria compared with those identified by the 1997 ADIPS consensus criteria, which then became the National Health and Medical Research Council recommendations.16–19
Acknowledging that in Australian general practice there are alternative diagnostic criteria for GDM, the RACGP (preferred) and ADIPS (alternative) diagnostic criteria are both presented in Box 2. These remain the preferred criteria of the RACGP until evidence of such benefit is forthcoming, including the health economic costs of any such consensus for change. Furthermore, it is important that each GP is aware of their local obstetric service diagnostic criteria, and supports and manages patients in a manner confluent with their specialist team guidelines to avoid conflict and patient confusion.
Box 2. Screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes
RACGP criteria (preferred criteria)
- Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥5.5 mmol/L or
- Two-hour plasma glucose ≥8.0 mmol/L (75-g oral glucose tolerance test [OGTT])
ADIPS criteria (alternative criteria)
- FPG 5.1–6.9 mmol/L or
- One-hour plasma glucose (75-g OGTT) ≥10.0 mmol/L or
- Two-hour plasma glucose (75-g OGTT) 8.5–11.0 mmol/L
The following conditions should be met before an OGTT is performed:20
- discontinue, when possible, medications known to affect glucose tolerance
- perform the test in the morning after three days of unrestricted diet (containing at least 150 g/day carbohydrates) and activity.
OGTT in pregnancy
The correct procedure for a 75-g OGTT is as follows:
- an 8- to 12-hour overnight fast
- start the test before 9.30 am
- patients should consume the glucose drink within five minutes, remaining seated throughout the two-hour test period
- ideally, the drink should be chilled to improve tolerance.
The OGTT should be postponed if the woman has an acute illness.
OGTT in pregnancy
The correct procedure for OGTT is described in Box 2.
Some women may vomit during the OGTT. In such cases, if the recorded fasting glucose meets the criteria for GDM, the woman should be referred to start GDM management. If a woman’s fasting glucose level is normal, repeat the OGTT with the woman taking metoclopramide beforehand. Metoclopramide does not appear to alter glucose absorption, but ondansetron may lead to falsely lower post-load glucose levels. Recliner chairs can also reduce the tendency to vomit.
Women who have had metabolic surgery should not be sent for an OGTT because they may not be able to tolerate the test.21 Seek specialist advice from your local diabetes-in-pregnancy service regarding alternative testing options.
Although none will equate to an OGTT, alternatives include giving a different source of 75 g carbohydrate, measuring blood glucose concentrations using continuous glucose monitoring, measuring fasting and postprandial blood glucose concentrations with capillary (fingerprick) blood testing, measuring HbA1c or using a combination of these methods.
Women who have had metabolic surgery also need particular assessment throughout pregnancy regarding nutritional status, the need for higher multivitamin doses and close obstetric monitoring.21 Referral to appropriate specialty services is strongly advised prior to and during pregnancy, even for women in this group who do not have diabetes or GDM.
Management of GDM
Lifestyle interventions and insulin remain the mainstay of treatment for GDM. All women with GDM should be offered individualised management, including education, appropriate blood glucose monitoring and dietary advice.
In most cases, GDM responds positively to lifestyle management, and women should be referred to an accredited practising dietitian and a credentialled diabetes educator, if these are not provided by their obstetric service.
All women with GDM who qualify for Medicare access should be registered with the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) on the National Gestational Diabetes Register.
If GDM diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy, points for discussion include:2
- the role of diet, physical activity and pregnancy/gestational weight gain in managing diabetes
- that healthy dietary patterns can be supported by individualised advice from an accredited practising dietitian as part of the multidisciplinary team and, when appropriate, may be characterised by the intake of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains, fish, seafood, unprocessed meats, dairy foods and water
- the role of insulin or metformin in the management of diabetes (ie if diet and physical activity do not adequately manage blood glucose levels)
- the importance of monitoring and managing blood glucose levels during pregnancy, labour and birth and early feeding of the baby to reduce the likelihood of the baby having macrosomia and associated risks (eg fractures, shoulder dystocia, jaundice)
- the possibility of the baby requiring admission to a special care nursery/neonatal intensive care unit to manage possible hypoglycaemia or respiratory distress
- the woman’s increased future risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and the importance of reviewing glucose tolerance postpartum and maintaining a healthy weight
- the benefits of registering on the NDSS, including the National Gestational Diabetes Register (eg reminders for glucose tolerance assessment)
- the benefits of breastfeeding in reducing the risk of the woman developing type 2 diabetes in the future
- the risk of the baby developing obesity, heart disease and/or diabetes in the future.
Follow-up of patients with a history of GDM
Women diagnosed with GDM have an approximate 40% risk of recurrence of GDM in a subsequent pregnancy and an increased risk of developing future type 2 diabetes.22 Regular ongoing surveillance is required.3 Box 3 provides RACGP criteria for the follow-up of patients with a history of GDM.
A review of medications needs to be assessed with any ongoing breast feeding and appropriateness of ongoing prescribing. Primary care provides an ideal environment to support the mother and infant in the postnatal period, including psychosocial and mental health support, lifestyle advice and support and, where appropriate, referral to maintain the health of the mother and child.
Box 3. Follow-up of people with a history of gestational diabetes
- Conduct a 75-g two-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 6–12 weeks postpartum
- If the results are normal, conduct a fasting blood glucose and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) test every three years. Screening and diagnostic criteria for type 2 diabetes follow those set out in the section ‘Defining and diagnosing type 2 diabetes’
- Women with HbA1c ≥6.0% (42 mmol/mol) may require further investigation and advice before another pregnancy occurs
- Women contemplating another pregnancy should have an OGTT annually3
- Enrol any person on the NDSS National Gestational Diabetes Register
- Advise and support sustainable lifestyle changes to maximise health goals, including weight, psychological wellbeing and relevant modifiable risks for cardiovascular disease
- Re-evaluate any prior ceased medication with pregnancy for either deprescribing or reintroduction on an individual basis acknowledging the risks associated with lactation