Green Book

Figures and tables

Green Book - Chapter figures and tables

Figures and tables from each chapter are available to view or download below.

Figure 1. How the Green Book fits with other RACGP publications

Figure 1

How the Green Book fits with other RACGP publications

The determinants of health and illness

Figure 2

The determinants of health and illness

Figure 3. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention

Figure 3

Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention

Figure 4. Barriers and enablers of implementation

Figure 4

Barriers and enablers of implementation

Figure 5. Levels where interventions may be delivered

Figure 5

Levels where interventions may be delivered

How well do you know these active patients?

Table 1

How well do you know these active patients?

 Implementation theories and frameworks

Table 1

Implementation theories and frameworks

 Table 2. PRACTICE components

Table 2

PRACTICE components102

Table 3. Improving general practice engagement in preventive care delivery

Table 3

Improving general practice engagement in preventive care delivery 

Figure 7. Gantt chart in practice

Figure 7

Gantt chart in practice
Table 4. Effectiveness of implementation strategies

Table 4

Effectiveness of implementation strategies

Figure 8. Reality pyramid for smoking cessation

Figure 8

Reality pyramid for smoking cessation
