Green Book

Approaches to implementation - Chapter 3.3

The PRACTICE framework

Last revised: 01 May 2018

Key points

  • Using a framework can make implementing preventive care activities easier and more successful.
  • Which of the relevant frameworks you choose will depend on your situation and goals.
  • Understanding behaviour and behaviour change is a component of many frameworks and a key part of successful implementation.

The Green Book brings together two main themes: prevention and implementation.

Both of these sit within QI and are inherently associated with behaviour change.

In Chapter 4, we use the PRACTICE framework as an example. This framework has the advantage of incorporating elements of other frameworks where those elements are supported by good evidence.9,102,103,111,112

Table 2 provides an overview of the PRACTICE components.

 Table 2. PRACTICE components

Table 2

PRACTICE components102

Reproduced from Litt J, Weingarten MA. Putting prevention into practice: How can you do it ethically, effectively and efficiently? Primary Care (Switzerland) 2010;10(14):266–67. Reproduced under Creative Commons Open Access licence
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