Green Book

Putting prevention into practice - Chapter 4.1


Last revised: 01 May 2018

Key points

The PRACTICE framework:

  • Is useful when implementing preventive activities – it incorporates elements of several other theories and frameworks
  • Helps identify and overcome barriers to implementation (eg engagement, collaboration and systems)
  • Helps remind us that change is incremental and that we should plan for and recognise ‘small’ successes along the way.

The Green Book brings together two main themes: prevention and implementation.

Both of these sit within QI and are inherently associated with behaviour change.

In this chapter, we will look at the process of using a framework for selecting, planning and implementing preventive activities. We will use the PRACTICE as an example of an implementation framework.


Before starting your prevention activity, it is useful to do some planning. Draw a plan outlining how you will address each element of PRACTICE and seek the feedback of your team.

– Dr Cory Lei, Green Book Editorial Committee

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