Female genital cosmetic surgery

Chapter 1

Information on FGCS

Last revised: 01 Jul 2015

Exactly what constitutes ‘normal’ female genitalia is an area of medicine in which very few studies have been published. The handful of articles that do outline the measurements of female genitalia vary in their definition of hypertrophy and normal.4,6–10 There are currently no criteria that measure and describe normal female genital anatomy and medical textbooks also lack detail regarding range of diversity and measurements.

FGCS has been described as aiming to ‘improve the appearance of the external female genitalia’ and cure labial hypertrophy,9 yet it relies on little evidence of what exactly constitutes labial hypertrophy and, by extension, a normal labia which can include size, colour and shape.11

FGCS is also referred to in the public domain as ‘designer vagina’, ‘vulvovaginal aesthetic surgery’,2 ‘barbiplasty’ and ‘vaginal rejuvenation’. Documentation describes the labiaplasty procedure as being performed as early as 1976.9

FGCS can be performed by anyone with a medical degree, including cosmetic surgeons (usually a GP or dermatologist who performs cosmetic procedures), gynaecologists, plastic surgeons and urologists.3,5,9,12

No formal training is required and there are currently no evidence-based guidelines that support the cosmetic procedures. For all specialties, guidelines need to be established from reputable long-term studies in order to support surgical procedures, but these have not yet been developed.4

Labiaplasty – the most commonly performed FGCS procedure, this involves removal of tissue from labia minora that extends beyond the labia majora and/or removal or increase tissue from the labia majora in order to achieve symmetry. The procedure falls into two broad categories:

  • Amputation technique, or labial trim, where the edge of the labium is cut out and the edges sewn over.10
  • Removal of a section of the labia to preserve the natural contour, such as wedge resection4,5 and de-epithelialisation techniques.12,13

Clitoral hood reduction – exposes clitoris and aims to increase sensitivity. This is sometimes combined with a labiaplasty procedure.

Perineoplasty – undertaken to strengthen the pelvic floor and, in the FGCS setting, aimed at establishing penile pressure with coital thrust.14 This procedure is technically similar to perineal reconstruction, in which the perineal length is restored following childbirth trauma or previous surgery. It is commonly performed as part of vaginal prolapse surgery. However, even in this setting there is no evidence that this procedure improves sexual function and, in fact, it may cause dyspareunia.

Vaginoplasty – the purpose of this procedure is vaginal creation in gender reassignment but, in the FGCS setting, it refers to tightening the vagina, which can be surgical or non-surgical – as in ‘laser vaginal rejuvenation’ or ‘designer laser vaginoplasty’.

Hymenoplasty – also called ‘revirgination’ and is designed to restore the hymen. It is often advertised as a ‘gift’ to one’s partner.14 This procedure is occasionally requested by women of certain cultural backgrounds in which premarital sex is forbidden and an intact hymen is considered evidence of virginity.12

Vulval lipoplasty – removal of fat from mons pubis or augmentation of the vulva.

G-spot augmentation – involves autologous fat or collagen transfer via injection into the pre-determined G-spot location. There is no existing scientific literature describing this procedure. Similar procedures include G-spot amplification and G-shot collagen injection into the region.15

Orgasm shot (O-shot) – often described as a sexual and cosmetic rejuvenation procedure for the vagina using the preparation and injection of blood-derived growth factors into the G-spot, clitoris and labia.12,14

Terms such as ‘vaginal rejuvenation’, ‘designer laser vaginoplasty’, ‘revirgination’ and ‘G-shot’ are commercial in nature. The consumers at whom they are targeted can then mistakenly believe such official-sounding terms refer to medically-recognised procedures.17,18

Cosmetic surgery redefines the patient as a ‘consumer’, and uses advertising to promote the ‘product’. Advertising for female genital cosmetic surgery tends to reflect and reinforce sociocultural messages about the vulva and vagina, potentially creating dissatisfaction among women who do not meet the narrow ideal of normality. Advertising suggests that FGCS procedures are simple, and offer high levels of satisfaction. It normalises surgical procedures and is likely to create demand among those women who experience genital dissatisfaction.14,15

The potential risks associated with FGCS include:

  • bleeding4
  • wound dehiscence4
  • infection4
  • scarring, resulting in lumpy irregular margins of tissue or eversion of inner lining of labia, resulting in an unnatural appearance4,12
  • sensorineural complications secondary to poor healing or scarring
  • dyspareunia4,19
  • removal of too much tissue, resulting in pain with and without intercourse – for example, clitoral hood reductions where too much clitoral tissue remains exposed and rubs onto undergarments and causes pain and discomfort3
  • tearing of scar tissue during childbirth following previous FGCS procedures4
  • psychological distress4
  • reduced lubrication.4

The long-term outcomes of FGCS have not yet been researched.10 Trends change and the aesthetic ideal that is promoted now might alter with time.8

No controlled evaluation of short- and long-term clinical effectiveness of cosmetic procedures can be identified in published literature.4,16,20 According to Professor Helen O’Connell, urological surgeon at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, tissue that is excised in labiaplasty may appear to be ‘just skin’, but the labia minora are derived from the primordial phallus and its excision is likely to interfere with sexual pleasure.19

In the past, cosmetic genitoplasty has been criticised and debated because it can result in impaired sexual function.21–23 The nerve density, epithelial qualities and vascular compartments of the labia minora that contribute to sexual arousal and orgasm are poorly defined. Surgical procedure development and counselling about surgical risks related to labiaplasty may be based on inadequate information.24

  1. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Society for Peadiatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. Joint RCOG/BritSPAG release: Issues surrounding women and girls undergoing female genital cosmetic surgery explored jointrcogbritspag-release-issues-surrounding-women-and-girls-undergoing-female-genital-cosmetic-surgery-explored [Accessed March 2014].
  2. Bramwell R, Morland C, Garden A. Expectations and experience of labial reduction: a qualitative study. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2007;114(12):1493–9.
  3. Australian Government Department of Human Services. Medicare Item Reports statistics/mbs_item.jsp [Accessed 20 January 2015].
  4. Australian Government Department of Health. MBS Reviews: Vulvoplasty Report, 2014 [Accessed January 2015].
  5. Liao LM, Creighton SM. Female genital cosmetic surgery: a new dilemma for GPs. Br J Gen Pract 2011;61(582):7–8.
  6. Iglesia CB, Yurteri-Kaplan L, Alinsod R. Female genital cosmetic surgery: a review of techniques and outcomes. Int Urogynacol J 2013;24(12):1997–2009.
  7. Lloyd J, Crouch N, Minto C, Liao LM, Creighton S. Female genital appearance: “normality” unfolds. BJOG 2004;112(5):643–6.
  8. Basaran M, Kosif R, Bayar U, Civelek B. Characteristics of external genitalia in pre- and postmenopausal women. Climacteric 2008;11(5):416–21.
  9. Davison SP, Baker C, West J. Labiaplasty and labia minora reduction. Medscape 2014 article/1372175-overview [Accessed May 2015].
  10. Andrikopoulou M, Michala L, Creighton SM, Liao LM. The normal vulva in medical textbooks. J Obst Gynaecol 2013;33(7):648–50.
  11. McDougall LJ. Towards a clean slit: how medicine and notions of normality are shaping female genital aesthetics. Cult Health Sex 2013;15(7):774–87.
  12. Alter GJ. Labia minora reconstruction using clitoral hood flaps, wedge excisions, and YV advancement flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011;127(6):2356–63.
  13. Pardo J, Sola V, Ricci P, Guilloff E. Laser labioplasty of labia minora. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2006;93(1):38–43.
  14. Rouzier R, Louis-Sylvestre C, Paniel BJ, Haddad B. Hypertrophy of labia minora: experience with 163 reductions. Am J Obstet Gynaecol 2000;182:35–40.
  15. Liao LM, Taghinejadi N, Creighton SM. An analysis of the content and clinical implications of online advertisements for female genital cosmetic surgery. BMJ Open 2012;2(6):DOI:10.1136/ bmjopen-2012-001908.
  16. Choi HY, Kim KT. A new method for aesthetic reduction of labia minora (the deepithelialized reduction of labioplasty). Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;105(1):419–22.
  17. Balmforth J, Cardozo L. Designer vaginas. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health 2006;99:72–7.
  18. O’Connor M. Reconstructing the hymen: mutilation or restoration? J Law Med 2008;16(1):161–75.
  19. O’Connell HE, Eizenberg N, Rahman M, Cleeve J. The anatomy of the distal vagina: towards unity. J Sex Med 2008;5(8):1883–91.
  20. Tiefer L. Female genital cosmetic surgery: freakish or inevitable? Analysis from medical marketing, bioethics, and feminist theory. Fem Psychol 2008;18:466–72.
  21. Chase C. Re: measurement of pudendal evoked potentials during feminizing genitoplasty: technique and applications. J Urol 1996;156(3):1139–40.
  22. Diamond M, Sigmundson HK. Sex reassignment at birth: long-term review and clinical implications. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1997;150:298–304.
  23. Schober JM, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Ransley PG. Self-assessment of genital anatomy, sexual sensitivity and function in women: implications for genitoplasty. BJU Int 2004; 94(4):589–94.
  24. Schober JM, Alguacil NM, Cooper RS, Pfaff DW, Meyer-Bahlburg FL. Self-assessment of anatomy, sexual sensitivity, and function of the labia and vagina. Clin Anat 2015;28:355–62.
  25. Ostrzenski A. Cosmetic gynecology in the view of evidence-based medicine and ACOG recommendations: a review. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2011;284(3):617–30.
  26. Goodman MP. Female cosmetic genital surgery. Obstet Gynecol 2009;113(1):154–9.
  27. Sharp G, Tiggemann M, Mattiske J. Predictors of consideration of labiaplasty: an extension of the tripartite influence model of beauty ideals. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2014;DOI: 10.1177/0361684314549949.
  28. Fatah, F. Should all advertising of cosmetic surgery be banned? Yes. BMJ 2012;345:DOI: 10.1136/bmj.e7489.
  29. Keil A, Greenhalgh, S. Genital anxiety and the quest for the perfect vulva: A feminist analysis of female genital cosmetic surgery. Women and the Body 2010 [Accessed March 2014].
  30. Howarth H, Sommer V, Jordan FM. Visual depictions of female genitalia differ depending on source. Med Humanit 2010;36(2):75–9.
  31. Howarth C, Temple-Smith M, Simonis M, Hayes J. What are young women’s views on ‘normal’ and ‘desirable’ vulval anatomy? Melbourne: General Practice and Primary Health Care Academic Centre, University of Melbourne; 2013/2014 (research pending publication).
  32. Barlow J. Cleo Magazine: Stop digitally altering images to change appearances #RealGirlsCleo magazine-stop-digitally-altering-images-to-change-appearances-realgirlscleo [Accessed March 2013].
  33. Women’s Health Victoria. Women and genital cosmetic surgery genital-cosmetic-surgery-issues-paper.pdf [Accessed March 2013].
  34. Cain JM, Iglesia CB, Dickens B, Montgomery O. Body enhancement through female genital cosmetic surgery creates ethical and rights dilemmas. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2013;122(2):169–72.
  35. Australian Attorney-General’s Department. Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing. Guidelines for the classification of publications 2005 [Accessed October 2014].
  36. Hungry Beast – Labiaplasty 2010, television program, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney.
  37. Michala L, Liao LM, Creighton SM. Female genital cosmetic surgery: how can clinicians act in women’s best interests? The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 2012;14(3):203–6.
  38. Reitsma W, Mourits MJ, Koning M, Pascal, van der Lei B. No (wo)man is an island – the influence of physician’s personal predisposition to labia minora appearance on their clinical decision making: a cross-sectional study. J Sex Med 2011;8(8):2377–85.
  39. Simonis M. Addressing young women’s desire for genital beauty. Australasian Sexual Health Conference, 2013.
  40. Paarlberg KM, Weijenborg PT. Request for operative reduction of the labia minora; a proposal for a practical guideline for gynecologists. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2008;29(4):230–4.
  41. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Guidelines for Gynaecological Examinations and Procedures C-Gyn 30 [Accessed October 2014].
  42. Women’s Health Victoria. Labia Library
  43. Werner P. 101 vagina: One hundred and one women, one hundred and one stories. Melbourne; Philip Werner; 2013.
  44. Blank J. Femalia. San Francisco: Last Gasp paperback; 2011.
  45. Liao LM, Michala L, Creighton SM. Labial surgery for well women: a review of the literature. BJOG 2010;117(1):20–5.
  46. British Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. Position statement: Labial reduction surgery (labiaplasty) on adolescents [Accessed March 2014].
  47. World Health Organization. Eliminating female genital mutilation: An interagency statement publications/2008/9789241596442_eng.pdf?ua=1 [Accessed October 2014].
  48. Vaughan C, White N, Keogh L, et al. Listening to North Yarra Communities about female genital cutting. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2014.
  49. Australian Government Attorney General’s Department. Review of Australia’s female genital mutilation legal framework: Final report female%20genital%20mutilation%20legal%20framework.pdf [Accessed October 2014].
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  51. Department for Victorian Communities. Voluntary Media Code of Conduct on Body Image. Melbourne: Department for Victorian Communities; 2008
  52. Shaw D, Lefebvre G, Bouchard C, et al. Female genital cosmetic surgery. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2013;35(12):1108–14.
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