White Book

Supplementary materials


      1. Acronyms
ABC awareness, balance and connection
ACE adverse childhood experience
ADVO apprehended domestic violence order
AHPRA Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
AMA Australian Medical Association
APVO apprehended personal violence order
ASCA adults surviving child abuse
ASD autism spectrum disorder
CATCH Commitment, Advocacy, Trust, Collaboration, Health system
CBT cognitive behavioural therapy
CALD culturally and linguistically diverse
CARE Consider, Acknowledge, Respond, Empower
FAV family abuse and violence
GP general practitioner
GP MHTP GP Mental Health Treatment Plan
IPAV intimate partner abuse/violence
LIVES Listen, Inquire, Validate, Ensure safety, Support
LGBTIQA+ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diverse, intersex, queer, asexual and questioning
MBCP Men’s Behaviour Change Program
MI motivational interviewing
NCAS National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
PHN Primary Health Network
RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
SRSS Status Resolution Support Services
STI sexually transmitted infection
VEGA Violence, Evidence, Guidance and Action
WHO World Health Organization 

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