Antenatal perineal massage: reduce perineal injury during childbirth Conditions Although current recommendations advise avoiding routine episiotomies, rates of episiotomy vary greatly around the world
Exercise for preventing recurrent ankle sprain Conditions Ankle injuries are the most common injuries across a wide variety of sports and it has been estimated that about 25% of all injuries across all sports are ankle injuries
Exercise for preventing bone loss and reducing fracture risk Interventions 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture over their lifetime
Pelvic floor muscle training: pelvic organ prolapse Conditions Pelvic organ prolapse occurs to some degree in 50% of parous women
Pelvic floor muscle training: urinary incontinence Conditions Estimates suggest that over 4 million Australians over 15 years of age are living with some degree of urinary incontinence (around 37% of women and 13% of men)
Pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD Conditions COPD is predicted to be the third-leading cause of death worldwide and pulmonary rehabilitation interventions include inpatient and outpatient exercise programs
Splints for the reduction of pain from hand osteoarthritis Interventions Hand OA mainly affects women and often starts around the time of menopause and prefabricated or custom-made splints can help
Knee taping for osteoarthritis Interventions Knee osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee pain in people older than 50 and applying strong, adhesive tape or strapping to the area can help unload painful soft tissues
Walking cane for knee osteoarthritis Interventions Use of a cane is one of a number of non-drug treatments for knee osteoarthritis; which include weight reduction, exercise and taping