Mother’s kiss: nasal foreign bodies Interventions Children aged 2-5 years have the highest incidence of nasal foreign bodies with some studies suggesting a greater prevalence in boys
Pain management strategies for childhood immunisation Conditions Vaccine injections are the most common cause of iatrogenic pain in childhood
Sweet solutions: procedural pain in infants (up to 12 months of age) Conditions Sweet solution given directly to the tongue causes an orally mediated increase in endogenous opioids
Wet combing: head lice Interventions Half of the people infested with lice do not scratch; all people in contact with an affected person should be manually checked for lice
Dilute apple juice for children rehydration Interventions Traditionally, beverages with high sugar content have been discouraged because of their potential to induce osmotic diarrhoea although recent studies have found this effect to be minimal
Behavioural interventions including alarms: bedwetting (enuresis) Conditions Bedwetting affects around 15–20% of children aged 5 years with parents who wet the bed as children are more likely to have children with enuresis
Bibliotherapy: depression Conditions Bibliotherapy is a form of guided self-help whereby the patient works through a structured book, independently from the doctor
Exercise: depression Interventions Regular exercise programs improve mood and activity level in people with mild to moderate depression and more exercise sessions have a greater effect on mood than fewer sessions
Internet based or computerised CBT (iCBT or CCBT): depression and anxiety Interventions About 85% of patients with depression have significant anxiety and iCBT may be useful for rural patients and those with mobility issues