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Supervisors and practice managers
Supervisor Professional Development
Training practice and supervisor payments
Remote supervision program
Remote supervision opportunities
Guidelines for remote supervision
Rural Generalist
Additional Rural Skills (ARST)
Core emergency medicine training
Rural Generalist Handbook
FRACGP exams
Clinical Competency Exam
Exam enrolment
Exam Support Program resources
Exam results and public reports
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RACGP CCE examiners
Assessment policies
Preparing for Exams
Exam planning: start here!
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2023-25 Triennium
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Continuing professional development (CPD) Standards
CPD program-level requirements
Frequently Asked Questions for GPs
Courses and events
Alcohol & Other Drugs GP Education Program
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Pre-Fellowship Program (PFP)
RACGP Events
Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology
RACGP Faculty Events
Rural education and training
Online learning
Upcoming and past webinars
Family violence
Supporting residential and aged care patients in WA
RACGP GP24 Conference
64th Clinical Update
RACGP Hackathon 2025
RACGP Practice Owners Conference
International Medicine in Addiction Conference 2025
Leadership Development Programs
Mentoring Program
Future Leaders Program
RACGP International
Join RACGP International
Live and practice medicine in Australia
Rural Generalist Fellowship
Fellowship programs for IMGs
RACGP educational framework
2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice
International graduates
PESCI (Pre-Employment Structured Clinical Interview)
PESCI - Applicant technical guide
PESCI Collection Notice
Letters of status
Managing mental health
General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration
Better Access Initiative
The Mental Health Professionals' Association
Education providers
RACGP Educational Framework
RACGP Educational Framework
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural and Health Training Framework
Progressive capability profile of the general practitioner
2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice (6th edition)
Standards for general practice training
Programs for educators
Medical educators
Education for members
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Request or partner with RACGP to develop education
General Practice Research
RACGP GP Research Project Noticeboard
AJGP longitudinal research series
RACGP Expert Committee-Research
RACGP National Research and Evaluation Ethics Committee (NREEC)
Research webinar series
Research Grant Partnerships
Education Research Grant Program
RACGP Research Strategy
Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs)
University Departments of General Practice
AJGP research articles
AGPT Academic Post Program
Other research funding
Clinical resources
John Murtagh Library
Databases and resources
Point of care
Resource and database trials
Open access databases
Database user guide
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Library services
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Emergency Medicine
Clinical guidelines
Guidelines by topic
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
Aged care
Chronic disease
Mental health
Preventive health
Reducing patient harms
View all guidelines by topic
Key RACGP guidelines
National Guide to preventive healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Guidelines for preventive activities in general practice
Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice
View all RACGP guidelines
Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions (HANDI)
Patient Resources
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First do no harm: a guide to choosing wisely in general practice
About First do no harm
GP resources
Patient resources
Associated topics
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COVID-19 resources
Clinical care
Home-care guidelines for patients with COVID-19
Caring for patients with post–COVID-19 conditions
Oral treatments for COVID-19 – Prescribing information for GPs
Patient resources
Managing COVID-19 at home
Patient resource: Managing post–COVID-19 symptoms
Infection control
Patient Alert Posters
Immunisation resources
Running a practice
Optimising your billing strategy
Practice management
Business operations
Staff management
Medicare Benefits Schedule online tool
RACGP resources to help you manage your billing
Ventilation and air-circulating strategies in general practice
Climate Change and Health
Environmental sustainability in general practice
GP wellbeing
Self-care and mental health resources
The GP support program
Preventing and managing patient aggression and violence
Responding to sexual harassment by patients
Practice Toolkits
General Practice Business Toolkit
Education Toolkits
Emergencies and pandemics
Information for GPs in disaster-affected areas
Managing emergencies in general practice
Evacuation centre resources
Emergency planning and response factsheets
Managing pandemics
Emergency Response Planning Tool
Practice resources
General practice guides
Supporting patients affected by workplace injury
Drugs of dependence: Responding to requests
A guide for ensuring good referral outcomes for your patients
Preparing medical reports
Improving health record quality in general practice
National Disability Insurance Scheme: Information for general practitioners
Medication management and supply
Ordering publications
College approved publications
Guidelines for general practice
Health records - templates
RACGP Steriliser Record System - logbook and templates
Practice tools
How technology can help you look after your health
General practice policy and procedure templates
Advance care planning
Information sheets
Resources to help GPs support patients to access the NDIS
General practice grants and commissioning
Alternative funding sources for general practice
Climate change and health – Practice posters
FAQ on changes to consent and release of patient information to life insurers
Improving general practice workflows in your practice
Medicare Benefits Schedule online tool
Medicare Benefits Schedule updates
RACGP statement on Medicare interpretation and compliance
Medicare Benefits Schedule / Medicare compliance - Summary of useful links
Preventive healthcare and the Medicare Benefits Schedule
The value of general practice nurses
Practice Standards
Standards 5th edition Suite
Standards for general practices (5th edition)
Standards for after-hours and medical deputising services
Infection prevention and control guidelines
Standards for point-of-care testing
Patient feedback requirements
Patient feedback guide
Resource guide
Factsheets and position statements
Interpretive guides
Interpretative guide for non-traditional general practices for the purposes of accreditation
Interpretative guide for Aboriginal community controlled health services
Other health care standards
Standards for health services in Australian immigration detention facilities
Standards for health services in Australian prisons
Standards for Garrison Health Facilities in the Australian Defence Force
Standards for general practice residential aged care
Standards News
View all newsletters
Expression of Interest – REC-SGP
Information security
Information and cyber security in general practice
Information security in general practice
Responding to a cybersecurity incident
Privacy and managing health information in general practice
Privacy and managing health information in general practice
Privacy policy template
Secondary use of general practice data
Clinical Technology
My Health Record in general practice
Managing external requests for patient information
Electronic prescribing
Business technology
Provider Connect Australia
Using email in general practice
Social media in general practice
Responding to online reviews
Online appointment technology
Artificial intelligence (AI) scribes
Mobile devices to support care
Recommending health apps
Using personal mobile devices for clinical photos
Minimum requirements for clinical information systems
RACGP 2024-25 Advocacy Plan
2025 Federal Election Petition
Reports and submissions
2025 reports and submissions
Pre-Budget Submission 2025-26
Review of Primary Health Network Business Model and Mental Health Flexible Funding Model
Inquiry into the access to diagnosis and treatment for people in Australia with tick-borne diseases
National Lung Cancer Screening Program Guidelines public consultation
RACGP response Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2024
2024 reports and submissions
Submission to the National Suicide Prevention Office on the draft Advice on the National Suicide Pre
RACGP response to the Australian Digital Health Agency consultation on the draft Health Information
RACGP submissions to government branches regarding the safe and responsible use of AI
RACGP NSW Pre-Budget Submission 2025-2026
RACGP response to the review of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988
Submission to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care on the Public consultat
RACGP submission – MSAC 1785 – Dexcom ONE continuous glucose monitoring
2023 reports and submissions
RACGP submission to the Effectiveness Review of General Practice Incentives
Submission on the assignment of benefit process for bulk billed services
RACGP response to the Australian Government’s COVID-19 Response Inquiry Panel
RACGP submission - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Care Standard
RACGP submission to ANZSCO Comprehensive Review
RACGP Tasmanian Budget Submission
2022 reports and submissions
Submission to the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman – Review of Ahpra’s vexatious notifications
RACGP submission to the senate inquiry into universal access to reproductive healthcare
RACGP submission – Audit of the Community Health and Hospitals Program
Submission to the Department of Health and Aged Care – Revised PBS Post-market Review Framework
RACGP response: Department of Health and Aged Care consultation on the establishment of a Centre for
Submission to the Department of Health and Aged Care – Review of MBS heart health assessments
2021 reports and submissions
Response to the ACSQHC - Draft Sepsis Clinical Care Standard
National Health (COVID-19 Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Special Arrangement 2020
RACGP response to the National Healthcare Interoperability Plan (the Plan)
Submission on the National Cervical Screening Program guidelines changes
Submission to the Australian Government Department of Health Mental Health Initial Assessment and Re
Submission to the TGA on the Potential for Mandatory Reporting of Medical Device Adverse Events by H
2020 reports and submissions
Submission on the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Review
Submission to the Department of Health on MBS Heart Health Assessment items
Submission on the National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap
Submission on the Health Insurance Amendment (Compliance Administration) Bill 2020
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Strategy
Submission to the Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care on its draft National S
View all reports and submissions
2025 reports and submissions
2024 reports and submissions
2023 reports and submissions
2022 reports and submissions
2021 reports and submissions
2020 reports and submissions
2018 Reports and submissions
2017 Reports and submissions
2016 Reports and submissions
2015 Reports and submissions
Position statements
Clinical and practice management
Safe and effective electronic transfer of information to and from general practice
Cancer Survivorship Shared Care
Interoperability and useability requirements for general practice CISs
The RACGP position on the use of telehealth in general practice
Shared Care Model between GP and non-GP specialists for complex chronic conditions
Seamless exchange of information between aged care and general practice
Electronic clinical decision support in general practice
Health systems and environmental
Single Employer Model
Payroll tax for independent practitioners
Care and support for people with disability
Healthcare for people from refugee backgrounds and people seeking asylum
Disease-specific MBS items
The role of private health insurance in primary healthcare
Member consultations
Open consultations
Past consultations
Standards for general practices (6th edition)
Member survey: Health practitioner complaints/notifications processes
The role and inclusion of general practitioners in evacuation centres
Scope of Practice Review (3rd round of consultation)
Scope of Practice Review (2nd round of consultation)
Scope of Practice Review
View all past consultations
MBS time-tiered items for primary care
Advocacy resources
RACGP Budget Summary 2024-25
Payroll tax
Assignment of benefit and signature requirements for MBS telehealth services
60-day prescribing
Information for GPs
60-day prescribing advocacy
Frequently asked questions
The Vision for general practice and a sustainable healthcare system
Economic benefits of the Vision for general practice and a sustainable healthcare system
Additional resources
GP representation - Information for members
RACGP Budget Summary 2023-24
Other primary care sector reforms
Climate Change and Health
Articles on climate change
Climate change advocacy
Call for clean energy by 2030
Climate change is a major risk to our healthcare system
World Environment Day 2022 – Report on RACGP work on environmental sustainability
RACGP Monthly Health Reform Advocacy Activities
Social prescribing report and recommendations
An introduction to member advocacy
Scope of Practice Review
Payroll tax
How to get involved
Frequently asked questions
New South Wales
QLD Frequently asked questions
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
In Practice
2021 Newsletters
2020 Newsletters
2019 Newsletters
2018 Newsletters
2017 Newsletters
2016 Newsletters
2015 Newsletter
2014 Newsletter
Corporate news
Media releases
2025 Media Releases
2024 Media Releases
2023 Media Releases
2022 Media Releases
2021 Media Releases
2020 Media Releases
2019 Media Releases
2018 Media Releases
2017 Media Releases
2016 Media Releases
2015 Media Releases
2014 Media Releases
2013 Media Releases
2012 Media Releases
Media enquiries
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A-Z interventions and conditions
Clinical resources
Clinical guidelines
Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions (HANDI)
About the authors
What is the HANDI project?
A-Z interventions and conditions
Autoinflation for glue ear in children
Advice to stay active for people with acute low back pain
Antenatal perineal massage: reduce perineal injury during childbirth
Aquatic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis
Behavioural intervention: infant sleep problems and maternal mood
Behavioural interventions including alarms: bedwetting (enuresis)
Bibliotherapy: depression
Brief behavioural therapy: insomnia in adults
CBT for panic disorder
Citrate salts for preventing kidney stones
Cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic insomnia
Compression for venous leg ulcers
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
Cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic low back pain
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet to prevent and control hypertension
Dilute apple juice for children rehydration
Egg allergy prevention
Education about joint protection strategies: hand osteoarthritis
Exercise based rehabilitation for Coronary heart disease
Exercise based rehabilitation for heart failure
Exercise for acute lower back pain
Exercise for cancer fatigue
Exercise for chronic low back pain
Exercise for preventing bone loss and reducing fracture risk
Exercises for falls prevention
Exercise for knee osteoarthritis
Exercise for preventing recurrent ankle sprain
Exercise: depression
Exercise: Intermittent claudication and peripheral arterial disease
Exercise: type 2 diabetes
Elevating the head of the bed for GERD
Exercise for preventing bone loss and reducing fracture risk
Exercise for patellofemoral pain syndrome
Feed thickener for infant reflux
Ginger alone or with vitamin B6 for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
Incremental physical activity for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
Honey and cough in children with URTI
Heat therapy for low back pain
Inspiratory muscle training for surgical pre-rehabilitation
Internet based or computerised CBT (iCBT or CCBT): depression and anxiety
Knee taping for osteoarthritis
Low-FODMAP diets for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Mandibular devices for obstructive sleep apnoea
Manipulation and subluxation of radial head (pulled elbow)
Mediterranean diet for reducing cardiovascular disease risk
Mindfulness and CBT for chronic low back pain
Modified Valsalva manoeuvre for supraventricular tachycardia
Moisturiser: infant atopic dermatitis prevention
Mother’s kiss: nasal foreign bodies
Music for insomnia in adults
Moisturiser for prevention of skin tears
Omega-3 fatty acid addition in pregnancy to reduce the risk of preterm birth
Pain management strategies for childhood immunisation
Partial nail avulsion and matricectomy for ingrown toenails
Peanut allergy prevention
Pedometers for increasing physical activity
Pelvic floor muscle training: pelvic organ prolapse
Pelvic floor muscle training: urinary incontinence
Pelvic floor muscle training for men undergoing/following prostatectomy
Pelvic floor muscle training for women
Physical fitness training following a stroke
Pre-meal water consumption for weight loss
Probiotics for acute infectious diarrhea
Probiotics in pregnancy for infant atopic eczema
Probiotics for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea in adults and children
Psychological treatments for postnatal depression
Physiotherapy for tennis elbow
Pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Smartphone apps for smoking cessation
Splints for the reduction of pain from hand osteoarthritis
Stretching exercises for plantar fasciitis
Sunscreen for skin cancer prevention
Sweet solutions: procedural pain in infants (up to 12 months of age)
Splint for base of thumb osteoarthritis
Stretching for plantar fasciitis
Ten top tips for weight control
The Epley manoeuvre: vertigo
Topical heat for bluebottle stings
Trauma-focused psychological therapy involving dual attention for PTSD
Wet combing: head lice
Walking cane for knee osteoarthritis
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet to prevent and control hypertension
Dilute apple juice for children rehydration
Low-FODMAP diets for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Peanut allergy prevention
Mediterranean diet for reducing cardiovascular disease risk
Pre-meal water consumption for weight loss
Probiotics for acute infectious diarrhea
Probiotics in pregnancy for infant atopic eczema
Probiotics for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea in adults and children
Omega-3 fatty acid addition in pregnancy to reduce the risk of preterm birth
Ten top tips for weight control
VLED for type 2 diabetes
Viscous fibre for type 2 diabetes
Exercise for cancer fatigue
Incremental physical activity for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
Stretching exercises for plantar fasciitis
Exercise based rehabilitation for Coronary heart disease
Exercise based rehabilitation for heart failure
Exercise: Intermittent claudication and peripheral arterial disease
Exercise: type 2 diabetes
Physical fitness training following a stroke
Exercise: depression
Aquatic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis
Exercise for acute lower back pain
Exercise for chronic low back pain
Exercise for preventing bone loss and reducing fracture risk
Exercises for falls prevention
Exercise for knee osteoarthritis
Exercise for patellofemoral pain syndrome
Cognitive and behavioural therapies
Cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic insomnia
Brief behavioural therapy: insomnia in adults
CBT for panic disorder
Behavioural intervention: infant sleep problems and maternal mood
Internet based or computerised CBT (iCBT or CCBT): depression and anxiety
Mindfulness and CBT for chronic low back pain
Trauma-focused psychological therapy involving dual attention for PTSD
Pedometers for increasing physical activity
Mandibular devices for obstructive sleep apnoea
Splints for the reduction of pain from hand osteoarthritis
Walking cane for knee osteoarthritis
Knee taping for osteoarthritis
Smartphone apps for smoking cessation
Mother’s kiss: nasal foreign bodies
Autoinflation for glue ear in children
Manipulation and subluxation of radial head (pulled elbow)
Wet combing: head lice
The Epley manoeuvre: vertigo
Compression for venous leg ulcers
Partial nail avulsion and matricectomy for ingrown toenails
Topical heat for bluebottle stings
Inspiratory muscle training for surgical pre-rehabilitation
Modified Valsalva manoeuvre for supraventricular tachycardia
Physiotherapy for tennis elbow
Ginger alone or with vitamin B6 for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
Sunscreen for skin cancer prevention
Citrate salts for preventing kidney stones
Moisturiser for prevention of skin tears
Mother’s kiss: nasal foreign bodies
Autoinflation for glue ear in children
Dilute apple juice for children rehydration
Manipulation and subluxation of radial head (pulled elbow)
Pain management strategies for childhood immunisation
Sweet solutions: procedural pain in infants (up to 12 months of age)
Behavioural interventions including alarms: bedwetting (enuresis)
Behavioural intervention: infant sleep problems and maternal mood
Egg allergy prevention
Feed thickener for infant reflux
Moisturiser: infant atopic dermatitis prevention
Peanut allergy prevention
Wet combing: head lice
Honey and cough in children with URTI
Probiotics in pregnancy for infant atopic eczema
Exercise based rehabilitation for Coronary heart disease
Exercise based rehabilitation for heart failure
Exercise: Intermittent claudication and peripheral arterial disease
Modified Valsalva manoeuvre for supraventricular tachycardia
Physical fitness training following a stroke
Mediterranean diet for reducing cardiovascular disease risk
Inspiratory muscle training for surgical pre-rehabilitation
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
Salt substitution for cardiovascular disease
Exercise: type 2 diabetes
VLED for type 2 diabetes
Viscous fibre for type 2 diabetes
Mental health
Behavioural intervention: infant sleep problems and maternal mood
Bibliotherapy: depression
Music for insomnia in adults
Psychological treatments for postnatal depression
Brief behavioural therapy: insomnia in adults
CBT for panic disorder
Cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic insomnia
Exercise: depression
Internet based or computerised CBT (iCBT or CCBT): depression and anxiety
Mindfulness and CBT for chronic low back pain
Trauma-focused psychological therapy involving dual attention for PTSD
Aquatic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis
Advice to stay active for people with acute low back pain
Antenatal perineal massage: reduce perineal injury during childbirth
Education about joint protection strategies: hand osteoarthritis
Exercise for preventing recurrent ankle sprain
Pelvic floor muscle training: pelvic organ prolapse
Pelvic floor muscle training: urinary incontinence
Pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD
Mindfulness and CBT for chronic low back pain
Exercise for acute lower back pain
Exercise for chronic low back pain
Exercise for preventing bone loss and reducing fracture risk
Exercises for falls prevention
Inspiratory muscle training for surgical pre-rehabilitation
Splints for the reduction of pain from hand osteoarthritis
Knee taping for osteoarthritis
Walking cane for knee osteoarthritis
Exercise for knee osteoarthritis
Mandibular devices for obstructive sleep apnoea
Exercise for patellofemoral pain syndrome
Mother’s kiss: nasal foreign bodies
Manipulation and subluxation of radial head (pulled elbow)
Modified Valsalva manoeuvre for supraventricular tachycardia
The Epley manoeuvre: vertigo
Elevating the head of the bed for GERD
Patient Resources
Managing back pain
Cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic low back pain
Exercise for ongoing low back pain
Heat therapy for low back pain
Mindfulness for chronic low back pain
Staying active for acute low back pain
Managing osteoarthritis
Exercise for knee osteoarthritis
Splint for base of thumb osteoarthritis
Walking aid for knee or hip osteoarthritis
Water-based exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis
Preventative techniques
Exercise to prevent recurrent ankle sprains
Exercise for preventing bone loss and reducing fracture risk
Exercise for preventing falls
Rehab & pain management
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Stretching for plantar fasciitis
Pelvic floor muscle training for women
Pelvic floor muscle training for men undergoing/following prostatectomy
Exercise for tennis elbow
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