Guideline for the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis

Summary of recommendations

Strong recommendations against the intervention

Last revised: 01 Jul 2018

Oral opioids – Knee and/or hip


We do not recommend offering oral opioids for people with knee and/or hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

Low (knee)

Very low (hip)

Refer to full recommendation 

Transdermal opioids – Knee and/or hip


We do not recommend offering transdermal opioids for people with knee and/or hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

Doxycycline – Knee and/or hip


We do not recommend offering doxycycline for people with knee and/or hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

Low (knee)
Very low (hip)

Refer to full recommendation 

Strontium ranelate – Knee and/or hip


We do not recommend offering strontium ranelate for people with knee and/or hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

IL-1 inhibitors – Knee and/or hip


We do not recommend offering IL-1 inhibitors for people with knee and/or hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

FGF – Knee and/or hip


We do not recommend offering FGF for people with knee and/or hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

Viscosupplementation injection – Hip


We do not recommend offering viscosupplementation injection for people with hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

Stem cell therapy – Knee and/or hip


We do not recommend offering stem cell therapy for people with knee and/or hip OA.

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

Arthroscopic, lavage and debridement, meniscectomy and cartilage repair – Knee


We do not recommend offering arthroscopic, lavage and debridement, meniscectomy and cartilage repair for people with knee OA unless the person also has mechanical symptoms of a clinically locked knee as per Australian Knee Society’s ‘Arthroscopy position statement

Strength of recommendation

Strong against recommendation

Quality of evidence

Very low (lavage and debridement)
Low (meniscectomy)
Very low (cartilage repair)

Refer to full recommendation 
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