Guideline for the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis
We are unable to recommend either for or against the use of varus unloading/realignment braces for people with lateral tibiofemoral compartment knee osteoarthritis (OA).
Conditional (neutral) recommendation (varus unloading/ realignment braces)
Very low (varus unloading/ realignment – no randomised controlled trial [RCT] data)
We suggest not offering valgus unloading/realignment braces for people with medial tibiofemoral compartment knee OA.
Conditional against recommendation (valgus unloading/ realignment braces)
Low (valgus unloading/ realignment braces)
We suggest not offering realigning patellofemoral braces for patellofemoral OA.
Conditional against recommendation (realigning patellofemoral braces)
Very low (realigning patellofemoral braces)
We are unable to recommend either for or against the use of medial wedged insoles for people with lateral tibiofemoral OA and valgus deformity.
Conditional (neutral) recommendation (medial wedge insoles for lateral tibiofemoral OA)
Very low (medial lateral wedged insoles)
We suggest not offering lateral wedge insoles for people with medial tibiofemoral knee OA.
Conditional against recommendation (lateral wedge insoles)
We are unable to recommend either for or against the use of shock-absorbing insoles or arch supports for knee and/or hip OA.
Conditional (neutral) recommendation (shock-absorbing insoles, arch supports)
Very low (shockabsorbing insoles, arch support – no RCT data)
Very low (all hip orthotics – no RCT data)
We suggest not offering unloading shoes, minimalist footwear or rocker-sole shoes for people with symptomatic knee OA. However, clinicians may consider advising people to wear footwear with shock-absorbing properties and avoid high-heeled shoes.
Conditional against recommendation
Very low (unloading shoes, minimalist footwear)
Low (rocker-sole shoes)
We are unable to recommend either for or against the use of patellar taping for people with knee OA.
Conditional (neutral) recommendation (patellar taping)
Very low
We suggest not offering kinesio taping for people with knee and/or hip OA.
Conditional against recommendation (kinesio taping)
It may be appropriate to offer an assistive walking device (eg cane) for some people with knee and/or hip OA, depending on a person’s preference and capability.
Conditional for recommendation
Low (knee)
Very low (hip
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Administrative-report.pdf (PDF 2.76 MB)
Algorithm-Holistic-assessment-diagnosis-and-management-of-knee-and-hip-osteoarthritis.pdf (PDF 0.05 MB)
Guideline-for-the-management-of-knee-and-hip-osteoarthritis-2nd-ed-Appendix-1.pdf (PDF 0.04 MB)
Guideline-for-the-management-of-knee-and-hip-osteoarthritis-2nd-ed-Appendix-2.pdf (PDF 0.05 MB)
Implementation-plan.pdf (PDF 1.79 MB)
Public-consultation-summary.pdf (PDF 0.29 MB)
Technical-document.pdf (PDF 5.79 MB)