Clinical guidance for MRI referral


Advisory group members and stakeholders

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the members of the Advisory Group as well as the various stakeholders who provided feedback that enabled the guidance to be refined through successive drafts.

Advisory Group members

Dr Evan Ackermann
Chair General Practitioner; Chair, National Standing Committee for Quality Care, RACGP

Professor Jenny Doust
General Practitioner; GP Clinical Epidemiologist, Bond University; Member, NPS Diagnostic Expert Advisory Panel

Dr Dan Ewald
General Practitioner; Adjunct Associate Professor, University Centre for Rural Health, University of Sydney; Clinical Advisor, North Coast NSW Medicare Local

Dr Rakesh Padarath
General Practitioner; former Chair, Education Committee, Queensland Faculty RACGP Professor

Tim Usherwood
General Practitioner; Professor of General Practice, University of Sydney

Associate Professor Michael Yelland
General and Musculoskeletal Medicine Practitioner; Associate Professor, Primary Health Care, Griffith University

Competing interests: none declared
