Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



May Vol 40 (5) 257–352
AFP > 2011 > May



Ying Pan, Graeme C Miller, Janice Charles

Menopausal transition

Sue Reddish

Sex and perimenopause

Susan R Davis, Fiona Jane

Hormone therapy

Amanda Vincent, Helena J Teede

What works?

Emma Warnecke

Up front

Opportunity cost

Carolyn O’Shea

Letters to the editor



Elizabeth Rose

Just a sore throat?

Kam Cheong Wong

Acute unilateral facial nerve palsy

Siew Swan Yeong, Peter Tassone

Cough from megaoesophagus

Yahya Al-Habbal

Polymyalgia rheumatica

Oliver van Hecke


Follow up after breast cancer

Meagan Brennan, Phyllis Butow, Andrew J Spillane, Michelle Marven, Frances M Boyle

Long term persistence with statin therapy

Michael Ortiz, Gordon Calcino, Leon A Simons

Antibiotics for URTI and UTI

Seng Fah Tong, Ee Ming Khoo, Verna Lee, Abu Hassan Zailinawati, Omar Mimi, Wei Seng Chen, Salleh Nordin, Cheong Lieng Teng

Indigenous community care

Damin Si, Michelle Dowden, Catherine Kennedy, Rhonda Cox, Lynette O’Donoghue, Helen Liddle, Ru Kwedza, Christine Connors, Sandra Thompson, Hugh Burke, Alex Brown, Tarun Weeramanthri, Gill Shierhout, Ross Bailie

Depression in general practice

Jane Gunn, David Pierce


Centrelink forms

Kath O’Connor

Mifepristone in South Australia

Ea Mulligan, Hayley Messenger

Research Viewpoint

Cardiovascular absolute risk assessment

Elizabeth Denney-Wilson, Mark F Harris, Nicholas A Zwar

Back pages

Book reviews

Clinical challenge

Nyoli Valentine


Gastro-oesophageal reflux in children – what’s the worry?

Associate Professor Katie Allen is a paediatric gastroenterologist and allergist who discusses reflux in the infant and the role of cows milk protein allergy

Management of hypertension in general practice – a qualitative needs assessment of Australian GPs

Faline Howes as a GP and researcher who discusses her research into what GPs think is needed to help improve the systematic management of hypertension

The 6 week check – an opportunity for continuity of care

Dr Michael Fasher is a GP who discusses the '6 week check' - suggesting an approach and some common issues


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2011/may
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au