Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Mental health

June Vol 40 (6) 353-466
AFP > 2011 > June


Antidepressant use

Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt, Janice Charles

Mental health risk assessment

Sivasankaran Balaratnasingam

Anxiety disorders

Michael Kyrios, Richard Moulding, Maja Nedeljkovic

Managing borderline personality disorder and substance use

Kate Hall, Sathya Rao, Dan I Lubman, Amy Pennay

Anxiety and depression

Julia Reynolds, Kathleen Griffiths, Helen Christensen

Up front

A leg to stand on

Kath O’Connor

Letters to the editor



Karen Mc Kertich

Bennett fracture dislocation

Craig Brownlie, Daniel Anderson

Combination antidepressants

David Horgan, Seetal Dodd

Women who smoke

Colin P Mendelsohn

Ruffled wound suturing

Dai Tran


Patient initiated aggression

Rhian Parker, Pushpani Herath, Laura Forrest, Ian McRae

Folic acid in pregnancy

Eleanor Sharland, Raquel Granell, Brett D Montgomery

Response rates in GP surveys

Parker J Magin, Billie Bonevski, Graeme Horton, Mark Foster, Afaf Girgis

Electronic care plans and medicolegal liability

Akuh Adaji, Moira Paterson, Peter Schattner, Leon Piterman, Kay M Jones

Recommending vaccination

Margaret Spillman, Tracy Cheffins, Clare Heal, Sarah Larkins


Explaining the unexplainable

Louise Stone

How to complete a death certificate

Sara Bird


A patient’s account

Ann Blond

Patient information

Urodynamic study

Karen Mc Kertich

Research Viewpoint

Research on a shoestring

Nigel Stocks

Back pages

Book reviews

Clinical challenge

Nyoli Valentine


Basic and advanced cardiac life support - whats new?

Professor Hugh Grantham discusses the key messages from the latest Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines on basic and advanced life support.

Anaphylaxis - recognition and management

Professor Simon Brown discusses the recognition, assessment and evidence based management of anaphylaxis in the general practice setting.

Survival radiology for GPs

Dr Sarah Skinner outlines a structured approach to interpretation of common emergency X-rays.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2011/june
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au