RACGP submission to the Australian Pharmacy Council on the Accreditation Standards for Pharmacist Training Programs - Aged care and comprehensive medicine review

Page last updated 16 May 2023

Date: 15 May 2023

The RACGP has provided a submission to the Australian Pharmacy Council on the Accreditation Standards for Pharmacist Training Programs - Aged care and comprehensive medicine review. 

The RACGP is supportive of measures to improve medication management and recognise the crucial role that general practitioners (GPs) and pharmacists play in improving patient care and outcomes. The delivery of safe and quality care in the residential aged care setting relies on a collaborative and coordinated multidisciplinary teamwork between GPs, pharmacists and the RACF care team.

As such, the RACGP believes that the Accreditation Standards are critical to the success of the implementation of the measure and recommends that a revision is undertaken to include more aged care specificity as well as core aspects of medication management in the residential aged care setting.

Read the submission

RACGP submission to APC - Accreditation Standards for pharmacist training programs - Aged care and comprehensive medicine review (PDF)

