Submission to MBS Review – Participating Midwife Reference Group

Page last updated 11 June 2019


Date: 7 June 2019

The Participating Midwife Reference Group (the Reference Group) was established in 2018 to make recommendations to the MBS Review Taskforce on MBS items relating to midwifery services.

The RACGP response to the Reference Group’s Report:

  • highlights the importance of ensuring that any additional care provided by participating midwives as a result of the Reference Group’s recommendations, is coordinated through the patient’s usual GP to prevent fragmentation of care and support continuity of care
  • supports the Reference Group’s recommendation to improve patient access to telehealth services by expanding the scope of providers eligible to participate in consultations to include GPs 
  • encourages further consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health organisations to ensure recommendations regarding birthing on country are clinically safe, while also meeting the healthcare needs of this population cohort.

