Submission to the Medical Benefits Division on the report to the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) on utilisation of MBS services related to non-mydriatic retinal photography in people with diagnosed diabetes

Last updated 31 May 2019


22 October 2018

On 11 September 2018, the Medicare Benefits Division invited the RACGP to comment on its report to the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) on utilisation of MBS services related to Application 1181: Non-mydriatic retinal photography (NMP) in people with diagnosed diabetes (the report).

The report is part of MSAC’s process to monitor the utilisation of new MBS items that were supported by MSAC following at least 24 months of their MBS listing. The report showed low utilisation of the new NMP items and suggested various recommendations to increase uptake of the items.

The RACGP’s submission supported the continued provision of MBS items for NMP in general practice. It detailed barriers for GPs providing NMP services and responded to various recommendations made in the report.

Read the full submission

Submission to the Medical Benefits Division (PDF 193 KB)

