Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee effectiveness of the Aged Care Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework

Protecting residents from abuse and poor practices, ensuring proper clinical and medical care standards are maintained and practised

Last updated 30 May 2019


Date: 14 December 2018

The RACGP welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback and comment to the Select Committee.

The care of residents in residential aged care facilities is complex, and the important role of general practitioners (GPs) is often overlooked. GPs face significant barriers in the provision of care to these residents, including their role as a patient's nominated GP not being properly recognised, inadequate support (eg lack of access to well-informed staff, private consulting / examination room, urgent medications, patient charts, digital communication), clinical complexity, time pressures, workforce issues and lack of infrastructure and support structures. Suitably qualified staff in residential aged care facilities is also essential to the quality of care that is provided to residents.

The RACGP has provided a number of recommendations for improvement in residential aged care facilities.

Read the full submission

Effectiveness of the aged care quality assessment (PDF 196 KB)

